Prologue - PART THREE ... City

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  It all happened in a second. no thats not fair. In a day. That may not be fair either Maybe they've been planning to do this silly attack. Who knows? Who cares? All people care is to pickup their lives and run away. There are only two choices. Much less, much harder. It was vice versa before. When you had five chices it was harder. When two, easier. Anyway it means that everything is reversed. Life is turned into death. Humanity is ruined. You have to surrender and die, or live. These are the only choices. I don't know maybe there are some other ones but for now, I only know about these two.  

When you are stuck in a silly school with loads of stupid locked doors. What would you do? When all you can do is to run. No one's there to help you. You may say what about God? But how? God won't clean our school of zombies! I don't believe in stuff that aren't tangible. (Hey guys! This is my surreal character! I believe in God! :D) I don't care about mind boggling stuff. I prefer to leave them for people like Jim. Who's dead now.

        Okay let's forget about those stuff. And Get To Work. Yeah. Ugh I don't even know what does work mean here. What work? I think for now it's running, then planning how to get rid of this.

SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt