Alola to Alolan Detectives?

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Alain's PoV

~Several Hours Earlier~


"I don't even know where to start looking," Kiawe sighed.

"You live here..." I trailed off, glancing at him from the corner of my eye as the two of us flew through the sky.

"So?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I showed her pretty much all of Alola. That was kind of the point of me even knowing her." I shot him a glare.

"Well, Flygon has a lead. So, we'll see where he takes us and go from there. Maybe it's just this simple and we'll find her as soon as we get there," I pointed out, giving the said Pokemon a pat on the neck.

"I didn't know you had a Flygon. Does it know Alya well?" Kiawe asked, peeking over Charizard's head to survey the land below them.

"Of course he knows her. He's her pokemon," I told him. Kiawe looked back at me with a curious expression. "I've never flown on Charizard's back. When I was with Alya, we always flew on him. I guess I just grew comfortable. Besides, he's a part of her, so it made me feel like we were still together even though we were in different regions." Kiawe heaved out a sigh, one loud enough I could even hear it over the wind rushing by my ears.

"You know, I had doubts about your relationship," he called over to me. My eyes narrowed at him, and I could feel the low rumble Flygon emitted. "But...I see how well you two fit with each other. Both of you are stubborn and powerful trainers. Instead of clashing, the two of you work together to get even better. So I'm glad that you're here now."

I gave him a nod, even putting on a little smile to come off as more friendly, but one thing I didn't do was give a verbal response. It wasn't that talking about Alya and I's relationship with other people made me uncomfortable, but it wasn't something I liked to do. Our private life should be left private. And I knew it wasn't just me, either. Alya wasn't up for many public displays of affection, let alone disclose any of our relationship to others.

While I was dwelling on my thoughts, Flygon had begun a nosedive towards the ground. Right before he crashed to the ground, he beat his wings quicker, slowing the descent. At the same time, he also kicked up a sandstorm that blew the little particles everywhere, including my eyes and nose. Raising my scarf to cover most of my face, I waited until everything settled, before seeing if Kiawe followed us down to explore this small little beach where we landed.

Flygon became uneasy, even before I had the chance to slide off his back and start searching the beach. The sandstorm continued on, the Pokémon's wings at his sides emitting an eerie sound. Though I'm sure it would have sounded quite lovely if he was calm.

His tail flailed around, kicking up more sand. The singing sound being produced by his flapping wings grew louder. I could feel his entire body vibrating underneath me.

"Alain!" I heard Kiawe faintly shout from somewhere. I needed to get Flygon under control.

"All right, buddy. Calm down," I said in a soft tone, leaning forward to get closer to his head. My hands worked on slowly rubbing up and down his neck soothingly. "She isn't here, but it's okay. We'll find her. I promise." Flygon let out a final irritated screech, before folding his wings to his body and calming down, allowing for the sand to settle.

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