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So im a bit stuck eith how to proceed at this point,so i have a pole to know which way to go.

1)Have Naruto (sans) travel to different au's and have him interact or create the events for the au to continue or occur.
(Choose an AU comic/story)


2)Have him in everyday life of konoha since he is no longer the MP of the story as his sister takes Naruto's place.

Please just say yes so i dont have to count and just go by the how many comments each choice got so i dont have to see if any were just attempts to being funny.

Now to the reason why I was gone.
Simply put, I was reading fanfics of other franchises and forgot about my stories on wattpad but i have a few ideas for these stories and new new ones to continue,but i mostly just write and what i wrote at the time.Since i have not written a thing and just been practicing drawing,which i have yet to improve sadly.
Anyways pole ends at the first saturday of May.

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