Not Exactly As It Seems

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The first sensation our hooded teen felt was a familiar chill that coursed through his body. Chuckling as he laid down in what could only be described as a winter wonderland. All one could see under the moonlit-like field were fern trees and bushes covered in nothing but snow, including semi burying our hero in it.

'This feeling of home. I miss it.' Our blonde boy thought as his eyes drooped halfway before giving a sigh and rising to a sitting position while dismissing the crunching of the snow from his movements as his eyes set upon the familiar snowy forest.

'Hm. Nothing.' Naruto thought as he decided to walk through the snowy landscape holding out a scroll with nothing to accompany him aside the occasional hum of his scroll. 'I look like a tool.' he thought with a frown. He sighed after finally thinking of a plan as to where to start looking, the first meeting between them and IT. While it wasn't the beginning of their interactions it was never going to be their last.


Upon arriving to his old post, he heard a commotion occurring through the thicket and hid. Deciding to peek, the teen saw a very familiar sight of Blueberry and Honey. The thing was that they seemed to have pale skin rather than bones with curvy figures to go along with the change. 'Why are they huma-Ah, crap. I think its one of those universes' the boy's question turned to realization as he waited to see if he was correct about the type of universe, he was in. Shortly after, he noticed a featureless figure hiding behind where IT would be.

Now don't get him wrong, he does his best to protect or even initiate the events of others, but there are some just a bit much for him. Not only that but they are also sealed into his being where he retains all their experiences from all parties involved. As such, he keeps them sealed away within the base he has set up.

"YOU GET LAZIER AND LAZIER EVERY DAY!!!" He overheard from Blueberry and snapping him out of his musing and noticing that this conversation was starting to reach an end as this was the breaking point in the conversation within all versions of this meeting. Remembering his mission, he checked his scroll to see where the anomaly would have been only to be surprised it wasn't the featureless being.

'Huh, guess it wasn't Anon this time.' Naruto thought before catching a glimpse of something shiny and fast through the forest and trapped it with his BLUE power and sending to the opposite direction and teleporting to where the object made contact to see what it was. After scanning the tree, he found the object and scanned it.

It was a bullet, but it was only part of the anomaly. But it had a strange property.

It was made entirely out of DETERMINATION.

The figure was long gone but he was cautious, so he quietly summoned two clones and scanned the area as he left to find see if this effected the trio he had seen. But as he was on his way, he heard a feminine chuckle behind his tree leaping and swiped his hand at where he heard the sound only to be met with air as the sound become laughter.

"All this work and I'm only met a Sans copy. So, which one are you? Given your abilities, I presume ninja origin and yet your different." The woman spoke.

"Paradox, and who are you?" He questioned in a calm tone.

"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to give you a name to work off of?" She sounded amused

"I kinda figured since you sound like it." He mocked.

"Really. Is that the best retort you had?" the woman sounded disappointed.

"Not really since I remember SuperSonic having a similar encounter with someone in a similar situation and look where it got him." He retorted as recounted an alternate self who was comically strong one shotting his opponent.

"Didn't think you knew about that universe." The woman let out a small laugh.

"What can I say I'm a man of culture." The teen responded before catching the voice off guard by grabbing her shoulders and pinning her to a tree. Surprised by the action, Naruto explained, "Illusion huh. Well at least that lowers the pool significantly. Also, I'm a bit of a sensor."

The woman however was calm as she then poofed into smoke revealing it to be clone.

"Using my old trick eh." He mused before turning to the crunching of snow beside him. He didn't need to look at her to know she was giving him a smug smirk before being kicked away by one of the clones.

"Boss, she had clones lined up all over." He reported before poofing with a yelp as he was hit with a shuriken from another clone.

'More evidence' he thought.

"Well the jig is up I guess" She said before vanishing herself.

Deciding to check if there was any more without letting his guard down too much. He heard silence from his scroll signifying that she was truly gone. He then sighed as he then had to be the janitor of all the locations from the previous encounters of the clones.

'She was able to use jutsu and knew, or at least guessed correctly, of my weakness to Genjutsu. Not only that but she used the tools of my world effectively.' He shhok his head 'I'll have to look into this later.' As he vanished to his own world once more just as a very energetic sans ran into the clearing slightly confused.

"I could have Sworn that there was someone here" She thought aloud.

(Line break)

Naruto appeared at his own stand as he saw a parade in the main street. Taking a glance, the boy noticed two blond females, in which he recognized one of them as Naruko, and an albino male. He gave a soft smile at the view before and was about to lay down to before getting knocked on the head with what seemed like present. He scanned for the one responsible only to find everything enthralled by the celebration. He looked for a tag, only to not see one.

Curiosity forcing him to know what was inside. He opened it only to get a pie in the face. He smiled at the prank before cleaning himself with the napkins he kept at his stall. He was about to throw the present away before seeing a picture.

It was of him and someone with brown hair but their face was obscured and they seemed happy together. Judging by the background, it was near or was Christmas. Turning the picture over he saw a written message.

'Look forward to the future kid. :D


P.S Merry Christmas'


Sorry for not uploading in ages, I thought I would've been able to do this chapter back in August but turns out my senior year wants to try to constantly kick my ass with deadlines. Not only that but I've gotten ideas for other stories that I had to write to get them out of my head since they've been plaguing me for ages.Anyways I hope you all had a merry and safe Christmas.

See you next time.

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