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The sound of some claps made us silent.
-Aww so cute... I can literally throw up. Well the fun is over, you are coming with me, she said while pointing at me.
I didn't want to go so I stood still.
-Are you deaf? I said you are coming with me. If you are not, we can have some fun with both of you.
I then wanted to get up but Suga grabbed my hand.
-I have to. I don't want you to get hurt. I have to do this.
I freed myself from his grip. I hated to leave him but if I don't, who knows what's going to happen..
Before I left the room, I took one more look at him.
*I will get us out of here.*
Jennie was walking in front and two men were behind me.
After a couple of minutes of walking we stopped in front of a big door.
-Get inside.
She opened the door and pushed me inside.
-Hello there.
-That's right sweetie, me.
-How could you do this? I thought you loved dad.
Amanda (stepmother's name):
-Well, you thought wrong darling, she said while playing with her fingers and smirking.
Somehow, a wave of fear went through my body making me shiver a little.
-What do you want?
-Oh it's simple. I want your father's money and the valuable things that are hiding in the room.
-Well I don't know what is in the room. It is locked anyway and I don't have the key.
Well I was partially lying. I do have the key, but I never went in that room.
I was always curious, but afraid of what I may discover. The room brings back dark memories, memories about my parents. When I was little I always used to sit in front of that room's door and cry. I always had the possibility to go there, but not the courage. I know I was weak.. but there are some things I just can't do.
-Do you think I am stupid?! Just give me the key already, or you wanna make this difficult for you and the boy.
-Why did you bring him here? He's done nothing to you!
-That wasn't my plan either, but it happened and there is nothing you can do about it. Only if you give me the key, I will let you both leave. Otherwise, you will suffer. Your choice.
*Ah what should I do? I need to be smart and quickly find a plan. I need more time.*
-So you are not giving me an answer. Let's see in a few days if you will still keep quiet. Boys, take her to a room and bring the boy.
- No! Don't hurt him!
-Will you shut your mouth?!
I immediately was taken by the 2 men out of the room. They were holding me so tight, I could feel my legs becoming weak.
They threw me on the ground in the room and left.
*Please don't let them hurt him.*
  ^Suga's pov^
After I kissed her I saw two men and Jennie coming in. She started clapping.
*What's wrong with this girl?*
-Aww so cute... I can literally throw up. Well the fun is over, you are coming with me.
Y/n didn't move.
-Are you deaf? I said you are coming with me. If you are not, we can have some fun with both of you.
I saw she wanted to go. I know she is concerned about me. But they can do anything to her..
-I have to. I don't want you to get hurt. I have to do this.
*She is seriously thinking about me getting hurt? What about her? Aish this girl.*
She got up and went out of the room with them, making for the last time eye contact.
- 15 minutes later-
15 minutes have passed and I am feeling nervous and anxious at the same thought.
*Who would have thought I will feel like this?*
My palms are sweating, knowing that she is there with them.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a slamming door and I was suddenly dragged into another room.
-Oh hi Suga. Miss me?
-What do you want Jennie, I said in a cold tone.
She was the last person I would like to see right now.
-Nothing much. Just you. Now kiss me.
-What? Are you fuc*ing dumb?
- You better not talk to me like that babe, or she'll pay. Now kiss me or I will make sure she doesn't get out of here alive.
I could not believe. She wants me to kiss her? Is she stupid? And we all know the answer.
She slowly got closer to me and we were only 2 inches away.
-I am waiting babe.
-You are waiting for nothing.
-Ok then, you did this yourself.
She made a sign to the men but before they left, I spoke.
- Wait. Ok I.. will... kiss... you, I said trying not to show my disgust.
-What was that?
-I said I will kiss you! Happy?
I leaned in and kissed her. It was more like a peck. The kiss was ok I guess, but not like y/n's one. At that moment I felt magic. Like a waterfall of emotions inside of me.
-Did you catch the last part Tony( the name of one of the men)? I hope you did, cause it would be bad for you if you didn't.
*Wait, what now? So she filmed this? This bitch! Please y/n, please don't take it seriously!*
-Time to go.
And with that, the men took me outside on a long wide corridor.

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