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-I will be fine.
-Ok, take the bowl and eat now while it's still warm.
-Thank you. For everything, I said while looking away.
-I know you still think of your mom and the dream you had in the plane but please don't worry anymore. I don't like seeing you like this.
-You are right, you are here with me so I don't have to worry.
I took the bowl out of his hands and started eating.
When I finished I put it on the side table.
-Let's sleep now.
-Aren't you going to change?
-I am too lazy and tired.
He laughed and took me in his embrace. I immediately fell asleep.
- next day-
^Suga's pov^
*Ring *
I stopped the alarm clock and turned around. Y/n was sleeping peacefully beside me.
I have to get up and get ready or I will be late. I didn't want to go but I have to see what this is about.
I put on my clothes, take my phone and leave quietly so I won't wake her up.
In 15 minutesI got to the place but she is not here. She always had this habit. Being late. After what seemed like an hour she appeared.
-You finally came.
-Same old grumpy man. I'm glad you didn't change.
-Same old annoying girl. Why did you want to see me?
-I have something important to say.
^Y/n's pov^
I woke up after he left. I felt him leave the bed but I just didn't want to wake up. I would rather be sleeping will he is gone cause I have nothing to do. I wonder if he is ok. I wonder if I am ok. I don't know what to think about Suran. I don't like her presence, it gives me bad feelings.
I put my thoughts aside and go back to sleep hoping to wake up when he is back.
^Suga's pov^
-What is it then say it quick, I don't have much time.
-Well see, the thing is..
-The thing is...?
-Your dad and my parents talked about...
-Our marriage.
-Ok it's fine- wait what?
-We are going to get married. Soon.
-No thank you. I'd rather stay here.
-With her? I don't know what you saw in her, I don't find her beautiful at all.
-You better not speak like that about her.
-That's just the truth. I'm sorry to break it to you, but she is just... what should I call her? A bitch.
-You know what? I'm done listening to this bullshit. I'm never going to marry you and don't ever talk about her like that because if there is a bitch, that is you.
I left the café. I want to go speak to my dad.
^Y/n's pov^
After one more hour of sleep he still didn't come home. What is taking him so long?
I got a message.
From: Grandpa💜
Hey sorry I took so long I am going to my dad's office but I will be back as quick as possible. Love you.
Ok love you too.
This is taking too long. I am going to see him at his dad's office. He told me where his workplace is. I grabbed my keys and phone and left.
^Suga's pov^
I'm standing in front of the building. I took a deep breath and opened the gates.
-Hello how can I help you?
-I am Yoongi. Min Yoongi.
-Oh Mr Min's son. Just a second.
She takes a phone and calls my dad's office telling him I am here.
- You can go in now.
-Thank you.
I walked past her to the elevator. I pressed the button with number six on it and waited. After five floors, the elevator reaches the sixth one. I get out and make my way to his room.
"Mr. Min is what I see on the door. I knock three times when I hear a loud "come in".
-Hello.. dad
-Hi son. Are you all right?
-Don't act like you care and tell me when did you talk to Suran's parents about 'our' marriage, I said emphasising the word our.
-Are you not happy about it? It is for your own good.
-My own good? Do you think I am happy about this?
-Her family is wealthy as well so we can have another financial support.
-I don't care about money, I don't love her nor do I not want to marry her and you can't force me.
-I don't see where the problem is. She has money, she is beautiful, what else do you want. Think about how rich we will be!
-I don't want all these.. I..
-Case closed! I don't want to hear it. You will marry her and that's final.
-I.. I love someone else.
-You heard me, I can't marry someone that I don't love. I only love one person. The person who made me what I am today. A good person.
^Y/n's pov^
-I don't see where the problem is, she has money, she is beautiful, what else do you want?
That's true.. I don't want to admit it but she is more beautiful than me and she is rich.. I had already tears in my eyes listening to all of this. Suga:
-I don't want all this.. I..
-Case closed! I don't want to hear it. You will marry her and that's final.
Is this really over? Am I really going to loose the love of my life? He is going to marry another girl and I can do nothing about it. At this point I was crying. I left the building and hurried home. Is this the end of us?

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