Chap 12

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H: If you want to break up with me after I tell you this I don't blame you. And what I'm gonna tell you now should stay a secret. I'm not a human.
Jo: What do you mean?
H: I'm..I'm a vampire.
Jo: What?
H: It's true that's why you saw me with red eyes and that's why I don't eat.
Jo: What do you eat?
H: Animals.
Jo: Oh.
H: Do you want me to leave?
Jo: Of course not. Hillary I love you for who you are.
H: I love you too Jonah.
Jo: Why didn't you tell me before?
H: Well I waned to wait because I can't tell anyone because there are hunters looking for me.
Jo: Oh but why are they looking for you?
H: I don't know they killed my parents and now they want to kill me.
Jo: Come here.
He opened his arms offering a hug I hugged him. I said it once and I'll say it agin being with Jonah really makes me feel safe.
H: Thank you Jonah.
Jo: For what?
H: For this beautiful night and for accepting me for who I am.
Jo: Anything for my beautiful princess.
We walked a little then we got home.
H: Guys we're home!
D&E: Hey how was the date?
H: The best.
Jo: So what did you two do.
He winked at them.
E: Well we just hung out.
H: Right. So you guys wanna stay over?
D: Yeah.
Jo: Sure.
The guys stayed over. We put a movie and we cuddled. (Guys forget it she does sleep)

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