Chap 21

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When we finished we went home.
Nikki and Briana went home but Angi stayed so she can help us get Espen ready.
H: Where are you guys going?
E: I don't know but he told me to wear something comfortable.
A: How about this?
E: Ok.
Then at 9 Daniel came and we told them goodbye. Angi had to leave because she had a photoshoot next day. So I decided to go hunting and I ate. Then I saw Maria.
She had a knife with her she stabbed her self in her stomach.
H: What are you doing?
Suddenly I blackout the last thing I remember is Maria putting a knife in my hand.
I woke up and I was in the police station. My hands were cuffed. I saw Espen and the boys.
They all looked shocked at me.
H: What's going on?
E: Why would you do that?
H: Do what?
Jo: You tried to kill Maria!
H: Wwhat?
C: Maria was stabbed and you were the only one in the crime seen and they found a knife in your hand and it has your fingerprints.
H: She set this up!
J: I don't think so.
H: Guys please believe me.
E: I'm sorry Hillary.
H: Jonah?
Jo: I got to go.
Then I was dragged and thrown in a cell.

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