Chap 22

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I couldn't believe what was happening. I would never kill anyone. And worse no one believes me. Then a police officer came to me.
P: Why did you do it?
H: Ok look I'm gonna tell you everything but you have to believe me.
P: Ok let's hear what you got.
H: It's true I don't like Maria but I woulf never think of killing her. Anyways I was walking in the woods then I saw her with a knife in her hand she stabbed herself and then I was knocked out I felt that she put the knife in my hand. Btw why would I kill her then blackout.
P: It's true.
H: So what now?
P: We will release you if somone bails you out.
H: I don't think that's gonna happen. All my friends don't believe me.
*Espen's pov*
It's weird without Hillary here. I looked down at my shell necklace that we both have and I remembered everything she did to me. Jonah hasn't been eating nor drinking nor sleeping. He just stays in his room looking at the ceiling.
E: Guys.
All: Yeah.
E: I miss Hillary.
Z: Me too.
D: Maybe we didn't give her the chance to explain.
C: Let's go see her.
I went to Jonah's room.
Jo: What do you want?
E: Let's go get your girl!
Jonah's frown turned into a smile. We got to the police station.
E: Excuse we are friends of Hillary Wilson can we see her?
P: I'm sorry but she's not here.
Jo: What do you mean?
P: Someone bailed her out.

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