Chap 13

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I woke up in Jonah's arms. When I got up I woke him up.
H: Sorry I woke you up.
Jo: No problem. Since we are awake wanna go somewhere?
H: Yeah sure.
We went to the park and we walked around and just talked and took pictures. We got coffee and then we went home. Daniel and Espen were eating breakfast.
E: Hey guys where did you go?
Jo: We went to the park.
H: E we should go to the mall.
Jo: Why?
E: Prom is in a week.
D: Oh.
Prom was in a week and I was so happy that I'm gonna finally finish school so I could focus on my dream. Singing.
Espen and I got ready and Daniel dropped us off at the mall. We went to different stores until we found what we wanted.
We went to the WDW house the boys told us they will be there.
We knocked the door and Jack opened it. There was awkward silence. But then Daniel broke it by coming.
D: Babe you're here!
H: Hey guys.
C&Z: Hey.
Jonah walked up to me and hugged me.
Jo: Hi beautiful.
H: Hey baby.
E: Btw Corbyn and Zach do you have any dates for prom?
C: Um yeah her name is Briana she's with me in History and we talked a lot and we got to know each other and yesterday I asked her and she said yes.

E: Btw Corbyn and Zach do you have any dates for prom?C: Um yeah her name is Briana she's with me in History and we talked a lot and we got to know each other and yesterday I asked her and she said yes

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H: Great how about you Zach?
Z: Nope no date.
H: Wait E should we set him up with Alice?
Z: Who's Alice?
E: She's with us in class and yeah that will be a great idea!
H: I'll text her to see if she has a date or not.
Z: So?
H: You have yourself a date.
Z: Thank you so much Hillary!
H: No probs.

Alice^Jo: So Jack how about you?J: Um no

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Jo: So Jack how about you?
J: Um no.
D: What about Alexis?
J: She dumped me.
E: I'm sorry.
J: It's ok.
C: We'll find you someone.
J: Um Espen can I talk to you?

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