Chap 23

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Jo: What? Who?
P: I'm sorry but the person wants to stay anonymous.
E: I'm gonna call her.
I called her but she declined right away.
Jo: I'm gonna try text her.
Jo: Hey beautiful I'm so sorry I didn't believe I wish you would forgive me❤
Jo: She saw the message but she doesn't wanna amswer.
D: I mean we can't blame her she was innocent and we didn't believe her.
*Hillary's pov*
I'm finally out of jail but I'm still wondering who bailed me out. Was it Espen? Or Jonah? They both tried talking to me but I didn't want to. They were the two most important people in my world and they just left me like that. I walked and walked and walked.
It's been three weeks and I still didn't go back. I sing everyday in a little coffee shop and I sleep in a hotel.
H: Hey everyone it's me Hillary and for today I'm going to sing a song about a guy that means a lot to me but he recently shut me down.
As I was singing I see six figures that I know.
*Jonah's pov*
We walk into a coffee shop and I see Hillary. She was singing and her voice was so angelic she was crying while she was singing I feel so bad. When she saw me she kept staring at my eyes.

I Love You Anyway (Jonah Marais) ~COMPLETE~ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon