Chapter 7

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Jimin looked down at his phone, various messages lit in red from him switching his phone in to airplane. He didn't want them to send, yet at the same time he did.

"What's next guys?"Jimin asked tiredly

"We go back to the hotels"Namjoon laughed, "we start moving again tomorrow, one show down, we still have tonnes!"

"Oh no!"Jimin yawned

"What if we just, pretend we died"Yoongi joked

"YOONGI NO THATS MEAN!"Jungkook yelped

Jimin laughed as he sat still in his seat, the warmth from the cars heaters contrasting between two other things, the cold night air outside and the cold hand of Min Yoongi that sat on his. Jimin had noticed the hand immediately as it met his, cheeks lightning up with a scarlet colour yet Yoongi didn't seem to notice, breathing carelessly as he stared out the window.
Jimin whined to himself that Yoongi was being unfair, but how would Yoongi know that. Your being silly Jimin he told himself he doesn't know you like him, and it's an accident.
Maybe you should tell him.
Jimin wafted away his own idea in haste, an idea his heart gave him so many times, an idea turned down constantly.

"Boys can't like boys, especially idols, stupid"He whispered to himself

Yoongi's head turned quickly to meet Jimin's eyes as if they'd been thinking the exact same thing. And that's what let Jimin see the pink on Yoongi's cheeks causing three thoughts to fill his head. One that he had seen a cute girl, the second was the cold and the one thought on least he likes me too!
That's stupid Jimin sighed to himself.

"What did you say?"Yoongi mumbled

"Bangtan Boys aren't Boys, an anti-fan said it"Jimin nervously sweated

"Your phone's off"

"So I wouldn't reply"Jimin immediately lied

"You've never done it before, I have to stand up for you."Yoongi said, biting his tongue quite literally as he finished the sentence

"You what?"Jimin's eyes widened

"I stand up for you if someone hates on you okay? It's nothing special."Yoongi rolled his eyes

Jimin's eyes gazed at Yoongi's bleeding tongue.

"You bit too strong"Jimin frowned

"It doesn't matter,it'll be fine soon so don't worry"Yoongi laughed

"Fine"Jimin exhaled, "is it still bleeding?"

Jimin shifted up higher as Yoongi opened his mouth.

"No"Jimin let out a sigh of relief as he slumped back into his seat closing his eyes

His mind wandered to the boy beside him as his heart screamed for him to confess, he slowly crept into sleep.


Word count: 433
Date Written: 03-04-18


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