Chapter 8

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Jealousy. Yoongi sighed at his childish emotions as Jimin listened to the jokes the receptionist made between compliments. You can't be with him anyways. Yoongi looked down at his phone as Jimin finally caught up with him, the two of them retreating to their room together as he slid thorough his twitter feed.

'The first openly gay Kpop star!'

By the time Min Yoongi reached his room he had read about ten whole articles on the gay star, only to read the audience reaction if he was honest. It was set near 30-70, most of the reactions positive... Maybe boys can like boys, maybe even idols can. Maybe I can like Jimin....
He blinked blankly, his face flat as they walked into their room, Yoongi immediately lying on his bed, an almost gleeful sigh escaping his lips. Beds. Sleep. Sleep was one of his favourite pass times of course he'd be happy to sleep now.

"Do you want any food?"Jimin asked

"No"He said tiredly

"You need to eat- I'll bring you food"Jimin ignored his answer

Oh. Yoongi looked to the roof as Jimin's feet left out soft, quiet footsteps. His eyes closed softly only opening when the footsteps returned, not to eat but to hopefully see Jimin smiling, because that was just cute. Don't be stupid. Yoongi rolled his eyes at himself as Jimin grinned adorably holding a plate of his favourite food.

"I brought something you can't refuse"Jimin smiled as Yoongi sat up, the plate now sitting on his lap

"Thanks Jimin, did you hear about the new idol?"

"The gay one, yeah...I'm glad most people are positive about it"Jimin smiled and nodded

"Me too, hey Jimin-"Yoongi cut himself off, "just- thanks"

"No problem"Jimin smiled before walking off

Yoongi had finished eating quick enough as he thought about various scenarios what if I actually said it? Some where good which made him regret it until a bad one came along, he thanked himself for those and then he finally fell asleep. He fell asleep dreaming of Jimin, dreaming that the younger boy also liked him and promising himself that he wouldn't ruin their friendship.

Word count: 365
Date Written: 03-04-18

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