"You Poor Thing" *Chapter Two*

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"I love my job." Hinata thought as he bursted threw the front doors of the bank. They slammed against the wall they were attached to, almost leaving an indent. The hooded man ran straight to his car. That was still on due to careful planning.
"Shit." The light sound of sirens could be heard. They were just loud enough, Hinata new they weren't close by though they are almost at that point.
Slamming his foot down on the gas peddle, the car wheels shrieked beneath him. Making him squint his eyes. He clutched the black duffel bag at his side tightly. "You did good today", he thought, "Maybe you deserve a little break."
The ride was calm as Hinata hummed slightly louder then the engine of his car. He plastered a smile on his tan skin and it wouldn't go away. Though someone was drawing near.
The loud roar of the cop car rang in Hinata's ears and he gritted his teeth. They were right behind him. When Hinata showed no signs of pulling over, the cops brought in their weapons.
Hinata flinched as the cops shot at his dark window. Swerving to the left, the direction away from the cops, he spiraled. Hinata couldn't even hear his screams. The rubber from the tires were draping against the concrete of the street. Pandemonium filled the streets, policeman frantically trying to prepare for whatever would happen next, bystanders strained screams cracked at the very sight of the car hitting a nearby tree. Landing upside down.
Hinata was limp, he gripped his side as a glass from the windshield had penetrated him in the waist. He winced. His smooth tan face was now covered in scrapes and dents. Broken glass pooled around his body. His condition he was in was horrifying, yet it didn't make him shudder as much as the mere thought of getting caught can cause.
Crawling out of the shattered window to his right, he made a run for it. Leaving his bag behind. He didn't care at this point, the only thing running threw his mind was, "What if they catch me?!" Over and over again. Little did he know, he wasn't spotted. An unsettling amount of people crowed the vehicle, which laid there with broken windows, shattered windows, and crushed car doors.
"What is they catch me?!...Getting caught isn't an option" Gripping his bleeding waist he confined treading with a limp, "What if they...what if...they might...I...no" His already damaged figure slammed forward onto the cold concrete sidewalk of the city. He was running out of blood. His eyes were sealed shut as the pain was too much for him to handle. Reaching out his mangled hand he managed to choke out a few words before everything went black.
"H-help mm..me-ee" His strained and tired voice stopped talking and his hand stopped moving.
"Such and ordeal", a low voice could be heard out in the dark lit streets, then a tall slim figure could be seen. The figure tilted his head and stepped forward into the street light. A man with milk white hair accompanied by his overwhelmingly pale skin approached the unconscious Hinata. "Oh?", he spoke, "You poor thing." The man laughed and gently placed the smaller male onto his shoulder.

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