Getting sold

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Hi my am name is Ava I horrible parents. My best guy friend Edward was always there but he died. So I have no friends also I am 17 almost 18. My parents think I am a slut.

I  got home from school and went to my room and my suitcase was outside of the bedroom. "Mom Dad why is my suitcase outside of my room"  "oh yeah we are selling you to this man" "you can't do that to your own daughter!" "oh yes we can once you leave we can move and we don't have to see that dumb face anymore!" "fine I will go but just know that I hate you guys!".

I packed my clothing that was not that much they did not buy me clothing. The only person who did was Edward but he is dead now so I only have the clothing he bought me. Also I have one pare of shoes. That Edward got me. Then there was a knock on the front door those peace of shit parents got the door. When I got down I said the man how bought me give my peace of shit dad 2Grand.

"You fucking sold me for 2grand" "yep that's all I need to move and not see that fucking dumb face" "I fucking hate you guys I am glad I don't have to see you guys suck at parenting anymore!". The man lead me too a nice car I asked "don't mind me asking but what is your name?" "Oh yeah my name is Cameron" "oh you look like a Cameron " "thanks" "you welcome" "just saying we have a 4 hour drive so you can sleep if you want to" "ok".

I went on my phone till it died so I went to sleep. I guess that I sleeped for the ress of the ride. When I woke up someone was carrying me up the stairs so I went back asleep.

Hi guys this is my first book so hope you like it. I am horrible at spelling so their is going alot of words that are not spelled correctly I am so sorry.Also Ava look like this

Also Ava look like this

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