The vister

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I woke up I was in the bosses arms. He still has not told me his name. I wonder when he is going to tell me. I got up went to the bathroom and went back downstairs I made myself some breakfast. When I was done he was up and in his office working on papers. I want up in my room and ate breakfast and webt on  my phone there was a lock on my bedroom door so I went over and opened it it was Cameron. He was just making sure I was okay and boss wanted to see me. So I went to the office and see what he want me for. "Um you wanted to see me sir" "yes your dad called he wanted to make sure your okay" "why would he care about me he sold me to you and I don't even know your name. All he wants is money and to never see my dumb face!" "Ok ava well I guess you should know my name my name is Adym Alyxander Yorba" "ok adym can I call you by that name" "sure but in bed it's daddy" "ok"

The rest of the day was a lazy day. All we did was sit around like yesterday but then there are there knock on the door and Adym went and got it. It was a girl I didn't know her name but she was a pretty girl prettier than I am. She barged in and said "who the fuck are you doing in my house and with my boyfriend" " Bella I am not your boyfriend anymore I broke up with you a month ago" " who the fuck is she is that your new girlfriend" "no it's complicated I bought her from her dad for a sex slave" " you just bought her for sex but you could have had me still but you gotta get this slut and not me she just a hoe Adym just bring her back to her to get your money back and you can have all of me." " Bella I don't like you anymore so get the fuck out of my  house now before I call the cops on you." "Okay I'll leave you alone adym and your slut".

Once she left I started crying because of what she said about me hurt my feelings a lot. Adym came over and hugged me and said "it's  okay babygirl  she is gone now". I stared to fell better because of what adym said that it's okay babygirl. Me and Adym watched t.v. and ate dinner and went to sleep. I think I might be following in love with him but, I can't he is my boss and he just bought me for sex not for love.

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