I love you

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The next day I woke up and adym was right next to me with food. He had made eggs and bacon. The I had went in the shower and adym came in with me and you know what happened. We watched a love story movie it was so cute.

At the end adym kissed my cheek and said the most important words ever I love you. "Adym what did you say" "I love you ava" "I love you too adym". Him and I started to kiss it tried into a make out session. He took off my shirt then my shorts I took off his shirt and his pants. He got a condom and went in. He picked me up and brought me to his room. He put us down on the bed and went fast and deeper in. He came then he was eating me out then there was a knock on the door so he got up and it was Cameron he asked him if he should someone and then went away. Adym started again and I came and we went to bed.

The next day I was going to go to the store and get more food. I got all the stuff he wanted and went home. Adym insisted for him to make dinner. He made this fancy dinner and when we were putting the dishes in the sink and got down on one knee and said "ava from the first time I meet you I was in love with you and I have never been in love like this so Ava Pierce will you make me the happiest man on this earth and marry me" "yes". We kissed and he put the ring on my finger it was all of diamond's. It was so pretty "Adym I I love you" "I love you too ava". He kissedme but it was different again it was like a I miss you kiss. Then we went to bed.

When I woke up adym came in and gave me breakfast in bed and it was awesome. Today we get the kids back from adym s mom. We dove their and we showed her the ring and she was happy for us. We went out to eat the food was good and went back to the house. And every thing was the best.

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