With Cameron

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The next day I woke up in Cameron's bed. Looked over and kissed Cameron on his forehead. He opened his eyes and I said
"Oh did I wake you up"
"No I was going to get up any way"
I tried to get up to the bathroom but my ass hurt so bad. I tried to get to the bathroom but I just fell.
"Ava are you okay"
"No I just fell because my ass hurt so bad "
"Ok ava"
He pick me up and brought me to the bathroom. Then he pick me up and brought me my room he helped me get my clothing. He helped me take a shower. He was my only friend here.
"Um Cameron why are you so nice too me"
"Because I think people should not get punished for a little thing"
"Also why did you help me take a shower you could've just left me to do it my self"
"I didn't want you to get hurt"
He washed me and helped me put on one of his shirts and I put a pair of his sweat pants on.
"Cameron can I stay with you today if that's okay with you"
"Yeah sure I wouldn't want you to go out their by your self"
"I can handle my self"
"Um k ava but you can barely walk"
"I know"
He picked me up and brought me to his room and I went under the sheets and cuddled up with Cameron. I so happy cam is here if he was not I would have to spend my day with Mr. Fuck face and  I really don't want to spend time with him.

Me and cam watched movies all day and ate food in bed. We watched princesses and the frog,(all of the twilight moives) cun fo panda, and suicide squad. In the middle of the night I heard Cameron taking to Adym so I went to see what they were talking about.
C for camoron and a for adym
A are you sure you are not falling for her
C in sure she thinks that I like her and stuff but I am just being nice because she is New
A okay
Ava I thought you were my friend Cameron but your just like him your a fucking asshole
C ava I was just being nice to you not being your fucking friend
Once he said that I ran to my room I felt like my legs were going to fall of. I really thought he was my friend but now I have no friends and no family. I went to my bathroom and stared to cry. Then I heard a little knock on the door and it was...

To be continued...

Also if you want go subscribe to my YouTube it's cute tutorial. Vote pls. Well be posting to YouTube tomorrow

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