Chapter Three

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Biting his lip, Chris struggled finding his way through the forest. Noises jumping at him, making his heart beat faster than ever. He was scared. Not even his fathers anger could make the little prince's heart beat this hard.

"Your Highness. Prince Christopher." A monotone voice spoke. Chris didn't even bother to try to even pretend he was paying attention. He was in his own bubble. Thinking of random thoughts. Like what he wanted for dinner, or what would be fun game to play.

Hide-and-seek, he was too old for, no matter how fun it was. Tag, sack and relay races, nine pins, and quints, which was just ring toss. All those games seemed for children. 'Weren't there any for adults,' he thought. Chris supposed he could play battledores. Although Christopher needed someone who wouldn't let him win just because he was royalty.

(A/N: Battledore is similar to badminton)

He rubbed his tired eyes until they stung. Chris couldn't tell if he just wasn't in the mood to deal with  anyone or he just needed more sleep.

"Leave." He finally called out to his teacher.

The small lady gasped clearly not expected the soft tone Chris had talked with. Usually every royalty or nobleman had forced her out. She was still trying to get use to the way Prince Christopher treated her.

"Your Highness, you mother or-," She started off before Chris cuts her off.

"Is my mother the one you are teaching as of right now?"

"No, your Highness-,"

"Then you understand that you are not needed. Leave, please."

She bowed her head, back away towards the door. "Yes, Your Highness."

As soon as she had left, Christopher stood up. Only five more days until the ball, and he had felt crowded. He could no longer control the feeling of wanting to be free.

He stood beside the wide window, glancing at the royal guards that stand in the hot sun. Chris bit his lip in thought, thinking of ways to escape.

He returned to his room a few minutes later. His personal guards stood outside his room, he stood right in front of them as they opened the doors. Just as the doors were began to close behind him, he turned towards them once again. "Turn away anyone who comes, tell them I wish not to be disturbed today."

The guards nodded their heads and closed the double doors.

When the doors snapped shut Christopher practically ran to his king sized bed. He pulled the comforter off revealing the white sheets underneath.

He only hoped it was long and strong enough to get him out of the window safely. He highly doubted it, but didn't think to much about it. He needed out of these suffocating castle walls.

He tied his sheets together and tossed one end out the window. He watched as it slowly unfolded out the window. It stopped fifteen feet short off the ground. He didn't seem to worry about the height.

He hurriedly changed into clothes fit for a peasant; instead he found some less colored clothing and tore them a little. In spots that made it seem that he had a hard days work.

With rushed movements Chris tied the other end of the sheets to his bed post. He tugged on it once before deciding it was safe enough. He dangles one half of his body out the window and gets a firm grasp on the sheets.

Finally his whole body is all the way out the window. Chris slowly begins his climb down.

At first it was calm, easy almost.

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