Chapter Eight

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The young boy could no longer take it. He was frightened. The young Prince wanted to give up, his mind constantly telling him over and over that this was wrong. To turn back and return to the castle. Where it was safe. Unfortunately, the small heart in his small chest, urged him forward.

Christopher didn't know where he was at nor where he was going. A foolish move;even for child his age. His black hair swayed in the wind messing up his previously neat hairstyle. It was becoming a little to cold for the boys liking.

His knees were on the verge of buckling( from walking too long), the temptation to rest his aching body was a high one. He gave in rather quickly. Sighing as he sat down, he clenched his face at the pain in his legs. He had walked too far, further than he had ever before. No matter, Christopher had no desire to turn back.

Sleep was a very enticing urge, which he wanted to succumb to. This, however, he did not allow himself to do.

The black haired boy stood rather quickly, almost falling back down. He didn't have to move a inch more before he gasped. Rather in surprise or fright he did not know.

Standing-no, laying a few inches away from where he had stood, laid a beautiful beast like he had never seen. His round brown eyes scanning slowly over the sight before.

'A beast, in these woods' thought the younger Christopher. 'I had never heard of one so large.'

He knew it was dangerous for him to move closer. However, his curiosity was strong. The white fur looked so soft, inviting little Christopher to feel it. Stepping forward slowly, he stretched his hand out towards the sleeping beast. Inching closer and closer waiting for even a moment of contact.

He was close, only a few inches away. Then he made a false move, Chris's shoe making contact with a crunchy leaf. Immediately the beast sat up, growling at the newcomer. His teeth bared showing just how sharp they were.

Chris gulped, finally realizing his mistake. He should have ran when he had the chance. His lips began to quiver as he tried to control the urge to run, Christopher knew the beast would only chase after him. The little prince stayed still avoiding the beast's bright blue eyes.

The beast inches closer, unconsciously, Christopher stepped back. He held his lips together as to stop them from quaking. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes. He began to breathe heavily, on the verge of a panic attack. The little prince didn't want to die.

Christopher made it to the age of eleven without catching a deadly illness, and now he faced a pure white beast. Dieing by the paws of a wild animal wasn't a dream of his.

Slowly the boy stepped backwards, glancing back as if looking for a way out. He knew it was foolish of him, for the wild animal could easily catch him in a instant with his sharp teeth. In spite of that thought, Christopher wanted to run, rathering dieing, knowing that he tried.

He was only seconds away from running. 'One more step.'

Then he made the second mistake of the day. He tripped. On his feet; as he was about to turn his body and run. Gasping, he looked up as the beast stood over him growling. Finally, his brown eyes met with the beast's bright blue ones. He small frame tensed up, feeling the beast's warm breathe. Sharp teeth only inches away from Christopher's head.

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