Chapter Nine

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Skip if u don't wanna hear excuses

Okay for those curious fokes me and my fams are good. We getting foodstamps cuz my mom lost some wages. And cuz we haven't been to school in a week they pushing a lot of assignments at me last week.

Btw today my moms birthday so Im rushing a bit.

Okay enjoy.

Chapter Nine:

Rubbing a hand through his short rough black hair, he sighed.

Time was ticking away by the second and Fletcher was becoming worried. As much as it had pained him to admit;Elliot was becoming one of his favorite humans. The brown skinned man sat perched on a couch awaiting his friends arrival. One single candle was lit in the large room. It provided enough light for Fletcher to see a pendulum clock leaning against the wall opposite to him.

His narrowed desert sand colored eyes glared at the pendulum flicking back and forth.

Elliot was close to exceeded the time limit. He had warned his friend the dangers of his potion. Elliot knew the effects it would cause him. Fletcher only hoped he was quick on his feet. Everyone held their limits and unfortunately Elliot's was time. He didn't have enough. Majority of his day was spent serving his Madam, and when the time came, he spent the next part in a underground cellar.

Fletcher knew no way of helping his friend. He could only sit with a scowl resting on his lips glaring away at a clock on the wall. Had something happened? His mind told him to walk out the door and search for Elliot himself. While his gut told him to wait. Something was in the process of happening. Fletcher could feel it. A vibration throughout his body. A warning? Signal?

Swifting his eyes towards the door, he stood. Fletcher was an averaged sized man built of muscle. He flicked his tongue against his teeth as he opened the door. His scowl deepened when he saw a sight he thought he would have never thought he'd seen again.


Before he could say a word, a hand rushed forward connected with his cheek. He growled in anger when she pushed him aside allowing herself into his cottage. Her monolid eyes scanned the place before looking back at Fletcher. " Are you crazy?" She asked with a scowl on her face.

" I should be asking you that." Fletcher closed the door and rolled his eyes at his ex-wife. He hadn't seen her in what felt like centuries. Her black wavy hair reached towards her ankles while soft bangs cupped her forehead. The dull candle along with the bright moon illuminated against her pale skin. Her wide deep chocolate brown eyes glared at her ex-husband as her hands rested on her thin hips.

She moved her right hand bringing a finger to Fletcher's chest. " What were you thinking giving that beast ACE?" she growled out.

(A/n: I might change the name of ACE if u have any suggestions please tell me.)

Pushing her hand from his chest, he stepped back. His annoyance rested clear as day on his face. " Is that why you found yourself on my doorstep? Please leave."

" Are you joking? This is not a matter to disregard as one of your petty little games, Zemlji."

"Don't call me that!" Fletcher growled out, " My name is Fletcher where you stand. You hear me. Fletcher!"

Her lips molded together as her nose flared in anger. " I stayed back when you chose to become a slave of humans to save your people. However this...," Heraki narrowed her eyes in frustration. " Given a human ACE. You will hurt him."

" It is not him you need not worry about. ACE will not hurt him. The effects will be strong if he's not in the right place at the right time, but he will not be hurt. I am careful in what I do Heraki. I am not you." Fletcher pointed out.

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