Chapter Four

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Thank you @Miewse for voting on all my chapters so far.

"Who are you?" Elliot asked with confused tone.

He wasn't scared that this person might be a murder. Elliot didn't fear death. He only feared dying without placing his sister in a house she loved and a family that cared for her.

However, he did worry that the man was trying to steal valuables. Elliot didn't want to be the one who gets blamed. They would either whip him or cut off his fingers one by one.

He could hear the other man sigh in despair. Elliot gulped, wonder maybe he should call for help or something. Only to remember he was the only one in the house. Everyone else was out getting ready for the Royal Ball. Unfortunately he was the only one who wouldn't be going. It was placed at night, a time he'd rather not be outside.

The intruder turned around abruptly making Elliot squint his eyes taking in the dirty appearance before him. The poor young man looked worse than any peasant or slave Elliot had known. Clothes torn and his body covered in dirt. Elliot was quite surprised that he had shoes. With strings.

Elliot grimaced at the sight, not knowing wether he should push him the intruder outside or feel guilty and force the dirty intruder into a bath. Lord knows the young man needed one.

Sighing, he rolled his eyes at his thoughts. 'The poor man was homeless and here I am thinking he needed a bath.'

"We don't have much food." Elliot forced out of his mouth. He wanted to cringed at the sound of his voice, helping a stranger was one of the many things he hated doing. Elliot never knew which one was gonna come back. 

What he had said was neither a lie, but it wasn't the truth either. They did have enough of food, but servants were only allowed a small portion.

"But I suppose I could cut out my portion of the day. I seem to be gaining some weight anyway."

Christopher could only stare at the gentleman before him. Directly at his head. It was the same set of blonde-white that he had seen at the market. The young prince wanted nothing more than to see if it felt just as soft as it looked.

"That is no-," Christopher had to stop himself from saying any words further realizing his words sounded of royalty.

"No," he spoke his words slowly, making his voice hoarse, making it sound as if he had trouble speaking. " I don't need it."

Unfortunately for him, the young princes stomach growled in hunger, causing him to blush furiously in embarrassment. " I don't need it." Chris said once again.

He felt no need to take someone else food when he had plenty at the castle. Even though Christopher looked homeless, Elliot seemed to look far worse. His handsome features looked tired and pained. His body skinny and pale, hands coarse from the hard work. Christopher immediately felt sympathy for this man.

"I'm sure you do," Elliot said to the stubborn man before him.

"You are skinner than I. Therefore you eat." Prince Christopher spoken to him. No. Demanded of him.

Confused, Elliot stumbled over his words, " I-" This caused Christopher to smile a little, a small twinkle in his wide brown eyes.

He wanted to stay longer, but he knew the longer he stayed the quicker his cover would be blown. Unfortunately, he wasn't a fraud, so he could no longer keep it up. Even if it lasted only a second.

With a nod of his head, Christopher left from the door he had came from.

Although the meeting was simple, Elliot somehow felt there was more. As if, perhaps, he had met the young man before. Elliot cursed one he realized he should had checked the man for stolen valuables, he sighed shaking his head. Elliot could only hope the young man had morals.

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