Chapter 5 Half-Breed

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Pacing in my room, being once again alone. Viewing my computer's screen saver of random pipes crawling all across my screen, thinking back to what Ari had just informed me. Thinking about the girl who at first seemed so small and frail, then turned hostile as she thrashed her nails at me. Was she really as dangerous as Elder Raul had said before, or was she like that of an animal feeling threatened? She could really have been a kind creature but just panic, being in her situation and being captured in a net. I would like to see her again, but as I look so much of that of a human, I don't think that she would ever approach me again. The ocean is just so big; she could be anywhere right now.

I've read somewhere that they can also adapt in the deepest parts of the sea like a sperm whale, and swim faster or equal to that of a dolphin. They're strong and can read the hearts of any creature, whether it's of that of one from the land or water. They can make weapons from ship wrecked vessels to fish skeletons. Agile and cunning, they can either be a great adversary or a dangerous enemy. So as I look like a human, I have to be careful if I ever see her or one of her species ever again.

I don't know if I will be ever able to see her again, but I would like to. To see and know that she was okay. Hoping that she wasn't too traumatized to lose her trust in all land creatures. Even though I'm not all human, maybe my other half can help. My mother's half.

And when someone thinks of a Vampire, they're first though is of that dark creature that's a part of the undead. Well I would like to say that that is wrong. We're very much alive, alive as any human. We come into this world just as a human does. A man and woman conceive and after a nine month process, a child is born, but we're born with a few different traits that make us different. Instead of being born partially blind with black eye that takes weeks to develop, ours, we can fully see.

Our genetics are further evolved. We're stronger, smarter and faster than that of an ordinary human. We eat regular food, but we don't crave blood like the folklore says. When the humans see a person who is faster, much stronger, whiter or paler skinned, and lives longer than the average human, they have a tendency of branding others for who they're not. But we do have a mineral deficiency in where I can see they have mistaken us for such dark creature. Our bodies are always low on potassium, iron, and other minerals. Some of our kind would stoop down to drinking actual blood to get they're minerals, but I for one found that disgusting. So like any other human, iron pills, and other natural mineral vitamins work too which I take about two to four times a day. In any way possible, I try to avoid blood. Go figure, huh.

But I was told that my mother was the same way too. Being a full-fledged "Vampire", she didn't like the thought of blood and hated taking her pills either, as did a few others, but she would get to weak if she didn't drink something or take her pills every once in a while. My father, who was human, fell in love with my mother at first sight.  Knowing what she was, they hid they're love and dated in secret. After all, just like the mermaids; humans don't like vampires either. Or anything that's different from them. Werewolves, fairies, mermaids, centaurs, giants, Cyclopes, satyr's,  griffin's and phoenix's, sorcerers', witches, elf's, as well as big foot, chupacabras' and the Loch-Ness monster. Everything that was told in fairy tales has been found true.

 Time has emerged the legends to become a part of everyday life and the humans are our biggest threat. Excepting someone who was of their kind but that of a different color of skin was a huge feet for them but this is a completely different story. They hate us. Some, like my father could see past it, but because of that, the humans turned on him, calling him a traitor and a danger so they hung him in front of everyone. I was only eight then when it happened but I was there and remember it all. The look in his eyes as he looked at me through the crowd, see that he had no regrets for what he has done.

That was ten years ago. We all die naturally, but we have a longer lifespan of that of a human, and as I'm only half, my life as well had been cut short too. And average human lives about eighty to a hundred years, and a vampire's is about two to two hundred and fifty years. Mine is uncertain, but I was told by the elders that mine will be about one twenty to one hundred and seventy years. I still have time, but I'm already eighteen. Though I still have over a hundred years of my life left and my life will end just like everyone else if it doesn't end earlier that is.

Living in a world full of hate, anger and fear. Fear of leaving my home and being killed for being different, for being who I am. Wishing that if I found the right mate, that we could live in peace and start a family without worry of being different.

I don't want us to have the same fate as my parents did. Is it so wrong to want to have a happy life? I wonder if that mermaid has the same fate as someone like me.

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