Chapter 12. Water Maiden

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After feeding time, everyone started to mingle with on another. The young-lings played amongst each other. The older ones chatted, it was almost like the attack had never happened. Call us harsh but stuff like this happens. either we die of old age, if we live that long, a rare shark attack,  or other accidents out in the open water. We can't allow our self to dwell over them. Just keep they're memory and move on. If you cant, you'll be outcasted like me, or more vulnerable to other predators.

Our way of living maybe harsh, but it's our life. Though at times I just wish that were could live without fear. Not having to always look over our shoulders. To do whatever our hearts desired and not having to obeyed a dictator of a Pod leader.

But just for that moment when i met Thomas, i felt that feeling of freedom.  freely talking to someone.  just saying what I wanted to say without Marius listening in. i only got that way when I was around Nixie.

Then in three days, almost two, i will see Thomas again and I will have that moment again.

"Everyone!" Marius' harsh clicking sonar cut through my thoughts, staying alert,  I swam over towards him as everyone began to gather around. "We're going to stay here for the time being," he began, not looking at anyone in particular. "I'll be sending out scouts to look ahead for us, i will be included in the search. Once the coast is clear, we'll set back to the migration and stay hidden until we move North in a few months. We will not let these humans win this time! We'll prepare weapons, Battle plans, strategies. We will not let this go on! These our our waters! Our families!" He said boldly, throwing his fist through the water. The crowd cheered, hanging onto every word.

I stood behind, still listening but kept my distance. Hasn't there been enough violence? Why start up some more?

"Root, Thresk, Bohem!" Marius pointed at three men within the crowd,  they stepped forward. "You three are scouting first. Tiff, Axel and i will take the next shift, then Tosh, Heron and Vegish will take the last shift. We'll alternate shifts until it's safe to return. Do you except your Positions!?" Marius asked the men who all now stood in front of the Pod.

"We do!" they all clicked with enthusiasm.

"Then first round, head out. Be back at sunset." With that, first round said bye to they're loved ones and left.

The waters filled with a kind of enthusiasm that never felt before. Everyone felt more determined, confidant. . . . possibly even blood lust.

I started to swim away, moving with the current to help hid me within the kelp forest. if they're getting this way with just the humans, then what is there to stop them from turning on they're own kind. Marius may be a good leader. He protects everyone and has mostly everyone's ideas in mind, but this has gone to far. We're passive creatures. we don't start wars, we stop them. just like the whales. we only fight when we feel threatened, not go out and look for a fight. This was very wrong.

Marius swam by me, scouting the area, i moved back further into the kelp forest, praying that he doesn't see me. he's always had a curtain hatred towards me, what would stop him from killing me when he was in this kind of mind set.

Looking at my directing, but not at me, Marius lost interests and swam off. i sighed in relief. i know that soon i will have to leave this spot to get some air, but i cant leave right now.

Nixie isn't back from her scouting yet. she would be furious if she heard what Marius was planning. Or at least, i think she would be.

Waiting a few more minutes, the coast was clear and with a quick look around, i bolted to the surface. Gasping for air, filling my lungs with its sweet coolness. i took a quick look around. everything seamed so calm, so steady. nothing was in sight except for an island in the far distant, that was all i could see.

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