Chapter 3: Chest Pulling

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Paul POV:

I woke up this morning so tired since I couldn't go to sleep with this pull from my chest that happened last night and got worse. I finally got to get some rest but now that pull seems still there but it doesn't hurt that much it's like that pull is a way to somewhere or someone. I took a shower and wore some blue jeans with a red polo shirt my mom got me. Speaking of her I should go visit her again. So off I go to see my mom, Elizabeth, growing up mom said my dad left us after finding out mom was having me. I don't mind we're better off without him, growing up I heard a lot of bad rumors about Mike my dad like that he would sleep with many girls and got most of them pregnant like mom. I moved out of the house at age 18 since I wanted to give her and her husband, Daniel, a little more privacy and I also wanted to become independent. When it comes to mom I get rid of my bad boy act. "Baby boy, I missed you so much! Come on in I made a big breakfast", mom said. "Sorry I haven't' come that often I've been busy these past few days I've been having chest pain, I replied. "Can you tell me what type of pain you've been having", mom replied. "It's like this pull is a string to someone or something, "I reply. My mom tells me we have to meet with the tribe and in her eyes, it shows excitement, happiness, and nervous.

Bella POV:

 I wake up this pull in my chest and it's like the pull is showing me the way to a person or something. I get up and shower and put my favorite strawberry and lilac body washes and shampoo. I put my ripped jeans and an off the shoulder sweater with some nude 4-inch heels. I straighten my hair with some big silver hoop earrings my heart diamond ring and a charm bracelet. I grab my keys, purse, and phone. I grab an apple and get inside my Chevy. I got to do my morning shift at Newtons shop. During my shift I start to imagine about that guy I saw yesterday I never got to see his face or meet him but I have a feeling he's special and gonna turn up in my life soon.

(I hope everyone is having an amazing day and remember your beautiful or handsome just the way you are. Luv y'all)

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