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Hi, readers I just wanted to say thank you to everyone all 1.4K views and more for reading my book and actually enjoying it. I appreciate each and every one of you when I started my book I literally didn't think anyone was gonna read this book and it'll just be a small story but once I came back and retrieved my account back I see all the love you guys gave that makes me happy. I am going to continue this book soon and I have some new fresh ideas actually but if anyone else has any ideas feel free to just chat with me and give suggestions. I've been writing chapters and when winter break starts I am going to post a lot of chapters and I may take a break again because my first midterms are coming and I really need to study hard but I promise after midterms I am going to continue my stories and try to keep a constant chapter posted at least once a week it depends. But get ready for some new ideas and fresh chapters. 

Luv y'all 

-Mirza F.

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