Chapter 8: The Wolves Find Out

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Paul POV:

I was thinking of different ways to impress Bella to make her fall in love with me without knowing the imprint. Ever since the Sam-Emily-Leah incident most of the wolves agreed that it would be easier to make the girl fall in love with them not knowing of the imprint to make sure it's real love. Mid-thought I heard howls meaning pack meeting. I quickly strip out of my perfect date and sexy outfit for Bella to fall on my feet and turn into a wolf. Sam hurry up what's so important that we need a meeting before the bonfire, I gotta go prepare, I thought. I smelled a vampire scent outside the border of Forks I don't think its the Cullens either it's a different scent. I managed to get a glimpse of her she got red hair and she's really fast. We're gonna double on patrol because of the threat. Paul and Jacob, you have the first shift tonight during the bonfire, Sam said. But I can't I'm Bella's date to the bonfire, Jacob thought. I suddenly got angrier who did Jacob think about saying Bella was his she's MINE my IMPRINT. Paul did you imprint on Bella Swan the leech lover, Quil said laughing a little. I quickly tackle him and start fighting I managed to get a good swipe on his fur before Sam separated us. STOP sam commanded, the alpha command took over and we stopped. Jacob, she's not yours she's Paul''s because he imprinted on her and now shes pack so start treating her with respect or you talk to me and Paul. Paul, you still have a job you can tell her everything another day it's important we get rid of the threat quickly or else people will get killed maybe even Bella. I run off mad and with Jacob by my side, He just hates me that much to not let me see my imprint. Jacob quickly tackles me and we start to fight we manage to get some good hits before we fall on the ground with the exhaustion. I don't care about if you imprinted on her or not if she doesn't want you I'm gonna fight for her. I loved her since we were kids and I'm her best friend and I know everything about her why wouldn't we end up together so watch your back, Paul, Jacob thought. If you do anything that my imprint doesn't feel comfortable with your dead and you better not hit on her shes made it clear she thinks of you as a little brother so get over it.

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