Chapter 9: Wolf

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Jacob POV:

It's not fair to how this womanizer gets the one woman I have been in love with all my life. How come i can't imprint on her and not him it''s not fair. Maybe I can just take her before he does and then he'll have no choice but to be her friend while in her lover. But i don't know the imprint pull is supposed to be really strong from what I'm told but I'm a fighter I don't ever give up on true love, I think to myself before making a plan to make Bella Swan fall in love with me.

Bella POV:

I quietly sit down on a log as I see the boys leave the forest with only shorts on. HOLY SMOKES, they all have sexy bodies. Bella stop embarrassing yourself act cool and calm and collected. Keep it together. I end up not seeing Jacob which gets me all mad because he invited me here and doesn't have the decency to say. Just as I'm about to leave and go back home, "Hey Bella where you going the bonfire is gonna start soon", Quil asks. "Oh I might just go home I thought I and Jacob were gonna hang out and i don't wanna intrude on your community bonfire", I reply with. "Nah its fine gurl you can hang with my Jacob had something important to do sorry he couldn't stay but he's really sorry", Quil says back. Well, he could've given me a warning or something jeez people keep leaving out of nowhere all the time now. Whatever Bella just have fun and forget all about your complicated life. I go back and sit on the long with Emily and we start talking she seems like a sweet girl even though it's horrible for what happened to her scarred face. Soon Billy settles everyone down to tell the old legends of La Push to the community I start to listen intently these stories sound so real. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something silver running through the woods. I blink and it's a silver wolf staring at me. I blink one more time just to make sure it''s real and the wolf isn't there anymore. Huh, Bella going crazy really seeing a silver wolf there are no such things as wolves. Well, maybe I mean vampires exist so who knows. Nope stop you're out of the supernatural world to stay out of it. Maybe its the Victoria situation bothering me again I hope she's dead, I think to myself.

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