Chapter 4: IMPRINT

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Bella POV:

I woke up this morning to my alarm. After taking a shower I wear my alien white and black stripped crop top with fishnet leggings and on top some jean shorts. I put some long black socks that are up to my knee and finish it off with an over sized denim jacket. I put my hair in a half up and half down with curls and some silver hoop earrings and finally I put my grey and white Nike sneakers."Hey sweetie, sorry i haven't been here often now with these murder cases happening every day it's too much work especially since it's one person doing it and that all the deaths are similar I just don't know how", dad said. "It's okay dad I've been busy too," I replied. "Well that's good are you gonna go to La Push today", he asked. "Yeah it's been too long since I hanged out with Jacob", I replied. I then started to make breakfast which was coffee, pancakes, and bacon. After eating breakfast and washing all the dishes I grabbed my phone, purse, and keys. "Bye dad hope you find what you've been looking for and love you", I said. He replied, "Love you too sweetie and I hope I do, have a great day." I hopped into my Chevy and started the engine and made it into La Push. "Hey Bella-Bug", Jacob said. "Never call me that again, Jakey-poo" I replied. Looking ahead I notice there Sam's group also known as the group that Jacob hates. I never saw them so I'm looking into all their faces until I stop onto one face. His face is beautiful he has black hair and almost black eyes he's so handsome. I notice he looks exactly like the guy in the bar, but wait that is him. Looking into his eyes there's this pain in my chest that is pulling me to him and it's like it's just me and him here no one else. "I wonder what his name is", I thought. Jacob then suddenly pulls me away from them and then I hear a growl coming from that guy. But Jacob ignores that and keeps pulling me to his garage full of cars or motorcycles he repairs. "Bella, Paul is known as the player and womanizer in Forks and La Push he slept with every girl in Forks and La Push so please stay away from him I don't want you to become like those girls", he says. I am suddenly hit by the fact that I shouldn't date him because I'll end up getting hurt and becoming a one-night stand. So I decide to do what's best and promise to stay away from him.

Paul POV:

I get up this morning and shower wearing a white shirt and some jeans with my Jordan's. I go over like usual to Sam's house and find Emily making breakfast. "Hey Emily", I say and kiss her cheek. "Mornin' also Sam asked me to tell you that you boys have to go to Billy's for something, so go shoo then all the food will be done", she replies. "K", I reply. Going outside I find them so far phased wolves. We're all walking to Billy's house and outside we see Jacob with this girl and they're both talking and Jacob tells the girl not to look at us since we're in Sam's group. I honestly don't know why people hate our group well maybe since we're wolves and they don't know that and think we're in a gang. Suddenly that girl she looks familiar. I remember she's that girl from the bar and school. She looks at all our faces and when she looks into mine it's like the world ended and it's only us. Only two words come to my mind, IMPRINT, and MINE. There are a million cables connecting me to her and the pain in my chest is gone. She's so beautiful with her chocolate eyes and mahogany hair. Models would look like trash next to her. Suddenly Jacob pulls her away from me making me growl. She then stops looking at me and is thinking about something hard. I hope she accepts the imprint cause I'm already in love with her.

(Sorry I didn't post a chapter yesterday I was busy but today chapter 4 & 5 are coming out. Luv Y'all)

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