chapter 7 [falling for love]

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Reader's Pov

Did I hear the Vanoss, is going to work at there own Gym? Wow, guess they are surely rich, I feel two hands picked me up and put on someone's arms, It was Vanoss, he looked down at me and smiles." you are coming with us, (Y/N)" I nodded and let Vanoss took me there to the gym, with the other Vanoss crew members, there is wildcat, Moo, Mini, Nogla, Lui, and Delicious? at least that's name, I believe the guy is wearing a blue jacket and wearing a mask. Now we are at the Gym, it was BIG, no, it was HUGE, Vanoss look down at me and smiles, and said "so? do you like this place?" I look back at Vanoss and meows, and I jump off his arms and start exploring this huge gym, and the other crew members, change there cloth to tank-top, to work out, while I just wondering around. When I finally finish exploring the gym, I was tired, so I walk back to Vanoss and others, I watched them working out while I rest. I was surprised, of how buff Vanoss's arms are, and how much he can lift! He lifts almost as twice as the others, if not, then more. The gym soon is full of sweaty smell which, I snifted my nose trying not to cuff. Vanoss was the last one who left the gym, I was already outside of the door, waiting for him when He finally comes out, I Jumped up and meows at him "oh! you are still waiting here? hen, anyway, let me take a shower and then we can go eat" I meowed as I walk back to his bedroom and waited there. 

--------------------------------10 minutes later----------------------------------------

The door suddenly open, I jump up, and I see vanoss, walking in his bedroom, wearing a white tank-top, and a towel on his shoulders, he looks tired but refreshed at the same time, which made him look hotter, I blushed, I quickly turn my head away, thinking. Why do I think a person like him is hot? Am I am really falling for this owl man? if I really am...then, on boy...This is go-

"Hey, it's lunch, let's go eat, I can smell it that Nogla is cooking" Vanoss's voice snapped me out of my thinking, I nodded and follows Vanoss downstairs, as I was smelling the sense of food, Vanoss picked you up again, with his giant hands and pets you, you purred back, enjoying this moment. "Hey, boss, I think I got to show you something" a voice suddenly says, it's Wildcat, "hmm? yea, sure" "well, not here, we need to talk in private" "oh? It looks like I can't bring you, (Y/N)"Vanos puts you down on the couch and walks away with Wildcat to talk about  their private thing" you signed, then you see Nogla, handing you a plate of food and said "eat up, you must be hungry"You look at nogla and meowed at him and start eatting your food, but in your mind, you weren't so happy that vanoos left you, you want to be with him, you must realling falling for him isn't it? Nah, he isn't going to fall for YOU, there are so many girls out there, that is so much better then you and vanoss can get all of them so easliy you are really nothing to a man who is famous as hell. after all, you don't really think you are going to fit him right? you are a Neko, and he is a hero, a hero and a Neko? that doesn't fit very well, by just looking at the name...Oh, there is no more food left on your plate, wow, when do I start eating so fast? anyway, Vanoss still isn't back yet, so you decided to wait in his bedroom and rest.


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