Chapter 9 [meeting the bad guy]

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Vanoss's Pov

Now that (Y/N) is asleep...I better go check my weapon base and see what I got...wait, I don't think (Y/N) knows my real name yet...I will leave her a note--after leaving a small note-- there, that will be an explanation for her, anyway...ah, there it is, my weapons...which one should I use? this one? No, it's too short, definitely not a sniper, not a knife either...This will do, a close fighting gun and a sword, neat (this is what would the gun bee looking like : 

This will do, a close fighting gun and a sword, neat (this is what would the gun bee looking like : 

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this would be the perfect thing for me to fight him...the crime creator..."X"...

---------------time skips to the battle scene and you are still pass out...------------

X's Pov

Vanoss decided to attack me tonight...he even manages to track me's pretty impressive of him..but he is still no match for me...the great "X" hen...I hope they get their job done...tonight is sure going to be fun...he...ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Ha, HAHAHAHAHAH!!! I can't wait to see the despair on his face! seeing him so hopeless just the best thing in the world! hen, let's not lose yourself here, shall we?

God's Pov

Vanoss and the rest of his crew and slowly sneaking into X's base and trying to hack over the security codes "damn it! why it won't work!" "what's wrong wildcat? is there something wrong?" "yea, the firewall just won't let me pass!" "you forgot a number..." "oh! hen, sorry boss" "come on, we still got work to do."

--------------time skips after the battle, because I have no idea how to write battle scene! ok, I suck ;-;----------------

"ha, ha, ha" Vanoss was breathing really heavy after fighting with X, X seems tired just as he was, "hen, wow X I guess you really hide it well, it seems like only I can push your limit," Vanoss said, smiling "of crouse Vanoss, you are the only one who broke my mask..." X said stepping out of the darkness, showing a man's face who has an "X" scar on his face "let's finish this shall we?" "of crouse, we have been for years, haven't we?" "then alright.."Vanoss prepared himself with his sword, while "X" holds his gun. BAN! A gunshot fired and the final battle...begins                          Vanoss was dodging right and left from X's bullets he had only one bullet left, he needs to use this one bullet, to kill X in one shot, X was also dodging from his sword blade, trying not to be cut by his sharp, sharp sword, the two of them was jumping all over the places like monkeys( me: LOL XD Vanoss and X :  WE ARE NOT MONKEYS! me: well if you don't do that, you are going to die XD Vanosx and X:......) finaly, X mange to BAN! a bullets mange to shoot through Vanoss's arm "AGH!" "haha! Vanoss does that hurt ya?" Vanoss fall to the ground painting X steps onto his head making sure he can't move and points the gun at his head "hen, hen...looks who is the winner now? Vanoss looks like I am the one who always wins~" "tsk...X even if you end me, someone will still take you down!" "on~ yes and one more thing...I know that little love secret of yours~" Vanoss widened his eyes "What!" "Oh, yes~ your little lovely kitty who is now, dead" "WHAT! WHY WOULD YOU-" "hen, it's not a hard thing to find out that the owl man has love intrest~" "WHY YOU-" BAN! and a loud thud! X was pushed by someone, the bullet misses Vanoss's head, and Vanoss turn and see, out of the most people he expected, this is the least, it was (Y/N) who pushes X off Vanoss just in time. "Y/N!!" (Y/N) turn and look at vanoss but quickly got pushed offside by X "GET OFF ME!" "(Y/N)!" Vanoss runs over to (Y/N) to check if this little kitty of his s alright "Y/N)?!" "hen, sorry I let you worried, Vanoss, also...I saw the note" Vanoss hugged her, tightly, fearful that he would lose her again "your arm...Vanoss" "hen it's alright" then quickly (Y/N) pushes Vanoss on the other side, BAN! (Y/N) got shoot right in her stomach, suddenly for (Y/N) everything is blurry, She can feel the warm sticky stuff coming out of her, its blood, she turned and weakly smiled at Vanoss, and then passed out "(Y/N)!!!!" "Oh! oops!" X smiled evilly........

ok, so this so far the story...I will updated later, since my mom is going to kill me if she finds out I stay up at night XD, anyway, bye guys!

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