Chapter 8

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(Alby's POV)

The box had arrived with our daily stuff. Gally jumped down in the box, when it opened and lifted our stuff up on the fresh green grass. Gally carefully handed me the metal box, where the syringes with the Serum usually was in. Jeff and Clint took the metal box away from me and opened it.

"What is this?" Clint suddenly asked.

He lifted up a syringe with blue liquid in it. We usually got Serums with yellow liquid, but clearly not this time.

"It says 'The Bliss'. Right here." Jeff pointed on a little note on the syringe. Big letters spelled "The Bliss" with a black thick colour. Clint took another syringe up from the grey metal box with "The Bliss" on it. We found out that half of the syringes was with the weird liquid called The Bliss and the other half was with our normal Griever Serum.

I requested Clint and Jeff to hide all the syringes, where we normally hide them. Gally and i put the rest of the stuff where it belonged and then i went straight to get some food at Frypan's.

(Newt's POV)

Anna looked like she wanted to rip my throat out with her bare hands. And all of a sudden she just laid down on the bed again while she quietly whined. She closed her eyes and i slowly walked out the door, while keeping an eye on her. Anna made me feel terrified and sad at the same time. I was terrified, because she was scaring me at the moment and i felt sad for her. Something was clearly wrong with her, and i don't think it has something to do with being stung by a Griever. It didn't even look like a sting from a Griever.

I limped as fast as i could, when i got out of the room. I spotted Alby at Frypan's eating place.

I suddenly stopped and looked towards the med-jacks hut, when i heard someone throwing things around in there. I hurried up and reached Alby.

"Alby, somethings wrong with Anna!" I almost yelled and completely forgot, that i was the only one, who knew the girl's name.

"The girl?" Alby asked and i nodded, while trying to show him we had to hurry.

"The Serum is not working on her... And i don't think she got infected by Griever-slime. I don't even think a Griever caused her wound, it is different this time." I said really fast and hoped that Alby could understand it.

Alby looked confused for a moment, but then he suddenly looked like he solved the mystery.

"When we checked the box with syringes today, we found a few other syringes with the text 'The Bliss' on it. Maybe it is a Serum for girls.." Alby said and waited hesitant on me. That theory sounded stupid, but we had to try with The Bliss.

"Let's give it to her." I said and Alby showed me the way to the syringes.

I carefully lifted up a syringe with the text "The Bliss" on it and took a look on the weird liquid. It definitely didn't look like The Serum, but maybe what Alby told me earlier was right.

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