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AGAINST HER WILL, CHLOE ELLIS WAS DRAGGED TO A PARTY THAT HER CO-WORKERS WERE THROWING. This party wasn't a get-drunk-and-pass-out-fraternity type of party. It was a classy engagment party. Chloe never planned on going since she absolutely hated seeing any of her co-workers outside of the building, June being the only exception. Nobody in that building was ever nice to her or at least appreciated her being there. It had been that way since day one and nothing would ever change that.

"Chloe! You made it!" A voice sounded out from behind her making her pivot around to see the happy couple making their way towards the girl. Jonah and Valerie wore outfits that pretty much matched each others which made Chloe cringe on the inside. A huge fake grin appeared on the blonde's face as she saw them get closer to her.

"I just couldn't miss the celebration. Congratulations on the engagement by the way." She pushed out the words and watched as the couple shared an adoring glance before looking back towards her.

"Thank you so much. I've never been more happy than when I am with him." Valerie exclaimed with her arms wrapped around the man and her head leaning on his chest. All Chloe did was nod and go along with whatever was happening between the three. Her eyes glanced from them to their boss who stood talking to June. The Ellis girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she glanced from the two in front of them to the two behind them.

"Well, babe. We have more guests to greet, but once again, thank you for joining us today Chloe." Jonah broke off the conversation whisking away his soon to be wife. She smiled in response as she narrowed her eyes on the two talking. The boss never really talked to June unless he needed some coffee or needed her to change something on his schedule. A waiter started to pass Chloe, but she stopped him before he could get too far. Her hand clamped around a champagne class as she downed it and put it back on his tray, grabbing another one. She didn't want to be there considering everyone in the office almost despised her with every fiber in their body.

"Have I told you how much I hate my job?" June's voice came from beside her making her head turn to the side. A smirk appeared on her face with a raised eyebrow.

"Almost every single day." Everyone's chatter went down as Jonah and Valerie appeared in the front of the living room. Chloe's grip on her clutch got tighter as she watched everyone crowd around closer to her. She squirmed as people pushed by her and ultimately made her way towards the back that way she wasn't in the middle of everyone. All she wanted to do was go home and open up a bag of chips to eat while watching a random movie on TV. She didn't want to be standing in a blue dress with some black heels that were killing her feet the more she stood. The pins and needles feeling shot through her feet as she leaned more on her right foot.

"First off, I would like to thank everyone for joining us today to celebrate. Secondly, I'd like to share a few words about my beautiful bride here." Jonah spoke. "I met Valerie by tracking down her brother for a crime and it ended up with her confronting me. As soon as she caught on to what was happening, she stomped over to my car and began yelling at me in the middle of the street. That whole time I was spacing her out and watching her brother behind her which was the worse idea since I could have lost the chance to marry this beauty," Jonah went on with his speech when Chloe felt her clutch vibrating. She slowly made her way to a table to set down her drink and pulled her phone out with a text from Steve appearing on her phone.

"Call me. Now." She furrowed her eyebrows at the text and looked around her to see if anyone was watching. When no one was paying attention, the Ellis girl snuck out of the house to the front porch as she dialed Steve's number.

After two rings his voice rang through her phone. "I'm going to text you an address and you need to be there in two hours. Someone will meet you there, her name is Sharon Carter. She'll try her best to explain everything that she can about what's going on."

"Yeah, that doesn't freak me out at all." Chloe spit out, rolling her eyes in the process. It was no secret that lately Steve Rogers had pushed her to the edge. Ever since he met up with her and gave her this assignment, he had pushed her over the edge.

"Just do it." Steve replied looking around where he was at. His eyes met Bucky's when he turned back around and spoke into the phone one last time. "It's about Bucky." She went to reply, but was met with the sound of a dead line. Her lips parted when she let the phone lay in her hand as she stared off into nothing like they would magically appear.

"Why aren't you inside and enjoying the party?" June stepped out after finally seeing the girl through the window.

"The party I never wanted to come to anyway? Look, I have to leave in a few, but just tell me one thing. Why were you talking with the boss earlier? You never talk to him."

"I was going to tell you later, but since you'll bug me until I do," She started. "He offerred to send me to school so I can be a nurse. I'm doing some things for him and his wife, and they wanted to repay me by sending me to medical school which I could never afford."

"I didn't know you went to college for health."

"Yeah, it didn't ever come up in one of our conversations. Where are you going? You keep ditching everything ever since that day you got the late phone call."

"I just have to go do some things. Let Jonah and Valerie know that I had an emergency to take care of, but I send my best wishes." Chloe was yelling it as she trudged towards her car. Her phone dinged with an address from Steve showing up on her screen. She sighed and started to head back home.

"Well, now who is going to give me a ride home!" June called out as the girl drove right by her. Sighing in defeat, she walked back into the house with a bright smile upon seeing everyone else.

Chloe knew that Steve said two hours and it would take her about an hour to get to the location, so she left the party early and definitely didn't regret it at all. Now she just wanted to see Bucky and make sure that he wasn't being killed since he spared her life.

author's note
in the next chapter or the chapter after next, there will be a chloe and bucky reunion thing and from there life will blossom for them. as far as i know, i have no idea how long this book will be, but considering it's over a movie, it may not be that long. i will add some chapters in that will be of my own types of scenes that have nothing to do with the movie, but have something to do with a power duo.

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