Chapter 5: Secret

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"Sir, but we really think one of your prisoners escaped last evening and was spying on us!" The two ladies complained to Ron. Ron had an idea of maybe who could have been if their story was real. "Nonsense!", He exclaimed as he shrugged off the thought. "No one could have escaped last night. Stop wasting my time now, GET OUT!" The two women hurriedly walked out of the room.


Back in her room, Elsie was pacing back and forth, thinking about what she had heard while eavesdropping on the conversation. Finally, deep in thought, she collapsed onto her well-made bed.

"What could they have meant? I mean I know what they meant, but why, how, and when?" She was major confuzzled. Elsie was surprised, as to why she was so invested and worried about this matter. It had nothing to do with her, right? The thought rushed back into her, as she recalled the first thing she had heard them talking about, Elsie.

Elsie pulled the door open with all her might as fast as she could. The guards jerked into action. "Woah, woah, woah, and whaddya think you're doing?" "No, I just need to talk to Mr. Devil over there." One of the guards shot a glare at another, the other nodded as he ran off to tell Ron that he was supposedly expecting Elsie. She was later taken to his throne room.

Ron looked at the guards, as to tell them to leave, and they did so. He looked back to Elsie and expected her to start talking. "Was that like my cue to start talking?" She asked after a short period of silence between the two. "Yea, no dip, Sherlock"

"So as I was walking back to my suite last night after our 'tea time', and I know I shouldn't have done it, but there were two ladies who were talking to each other, one a guard, the other a servant, and their door was just a crack open, so I went and I peeked and listened in to their conversation. When I realized what they were talking about, I made a very loud sound, and they heard it."

Ron thought hard as he calmly responded, "I did have two women come up to me and say they thought someone was spying on them. So your two stories corroborate, so far anyways." He muttered the last part. "What did they say that was so dumbfounding?" He exasperated, sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Umm...well....They're plotting against you." In response he got up from his seat and leaned forward in disbelief.

                                                                                               TO BE CONTINUED

                                                                                                                      Yours Truly,

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