Chapter 1- If These Are The Best Days Of Our Lives...

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Beginning Notes:

Okay, couple things real quick:

I know the last two stories were a bit out of my wheelhouse, which is exactly what I wanted and I really love how they went, but here we're going back to the fun, crazy psych style antics, Magnus craziness, and fluff...

I am really looking forward to this one, have been since the start of the last one...

But I needed to get that all sorted first

Next, basically the first five (Well six counting the oneshot) stories I have really have been focusing on Raphael and Simon (I can't help it, they distract me). I had said that their relationship would progress faster than Magnus and Alec, and I really love how they are going.

I really wanted to get them together, I wanted Simon to show progress, and I really wanted to get Simon in on the secret; to do all that, I really needed to focus on them

And I have no regrets, cause I absolutely adore them (at this point Raphael has officially passed Magnus as my favorite Character)

That being said, I know the Magnus/Alec stuff has kind of been shorted so I'm gonna start making up for it now.

If you saw the notes of the last story you know we have five stories till the big get together...

I intend to use that time wisely by:

· Throwing every excuse for kisses or compromising positions at them I can think of

· Having Magnus Fluster Alec as much as humanly possible

· Fluster Magnus a few times too, just for the hell of it (turnabout's fair play after all)

· Get them so close to acting like a couple that when they actually ARE, they realize they've pretty much been a couple for quite a while, just were missing a few things (Like a clue)

· Basically I want to do all the things that just won't work after they get together

So, what do you think...Sound like fun?

Kay...On to the actual story


Chapter 1- If These Are The Best Days Of Our Lives...





Flash Back:

Santa Barbra 2010

Simon rolled over, sleepily glancing at the clock; and promptly fell in a pile on the floor

It was twenty minutes till 8! His alarm didn't go off!

Oh man, he was SO late!

He threw on the first thing he found and scrambled out the door...

Simon made the usual fifteen minute trip in less than ten, at a dead sprint, gasping for breath as he fumbled his way onto the far side of the grounds.

He stopped, panting, resting his hands on his knees

Man, he was SO out of shape; he needed to start working out, or exercising or something

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