Chapter 12: After School Special

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Max figures some stuff out

Simon learns a few things himself

So does Alec...

And a few others as well

A lot of learning going on here


Okay, so there is, like a ridiculous amount of stuff going on in here, I hope it all makes sense...

If not, sorry

I really love how this story went, though

Also, I never mentioned names for Brocks parents... I named them Becky (the ensnarer) And Al (Unclear) Just FYI




"Hey, Simon, wait up a second"

Simon stopped just as he was reaching to open his door,

"Max, hi, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay...are you leaving for the day?"

Simon shook his head,

"No, just making a lunch run... the paper work from yesterday is taking forever, I needed a bit of a break. I'm sure Alec could use one too, he's in at his desk, I'm sure he'd be happy to see you"

"I-I was actually here looking for you...Do you think I can go with you on the lunch run?" he asked hesitantly

He looked really nervous

Man, he hoped nothing was really wrong...

"Yeah, of course, hop in" he said, gesturing to the car

He climbed in quickly, fastening his seatbelt

Simon pulled out into traffic, waiting patiently for Max to start talking...

Glancing over he looked even more nervous, he was fiddling with his seatbelt, glancing down

"So...what's up? Everything okay?"

Max seemed to startle slightly, glancing over,

"Uh...y-yeah...everything's fine; no new cases or anything at the school"

"Really, Kasey isn't convinced the math teacher is a cyborg?"

Max laughed slightly, shaking his head

"'s the janitor, and he thinks that he's a Bigfoot"

Simon laughed

"Yeah, I saw the guy...I can see that"

"So, everything's good with him and Isaac?"

"Yup, Isaac still thinks his crazy theories and active imagination are adorable...he totally lucked out there"

"They seem great together. Isaac told me about how you set them up...that was really sweet of you, going through all that trouble to help them get together"

He shrugged "Eh, that part wasn't trouble, the trouble was listening to them both pine for each other for nearly a year... I did it for my sanity as much as for their happiness."

Simon chuckled, nodding slightly

"Yeah, I can see that; you know, Magnus actually kind of did something similar to get me and Raphael together..."

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