Chapter 3- Learn Something New Every Day

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Magnus, Alec, Max and his friends go to see their teacher to find out about the case




"Excuse me, Miss? Can you tell us which room Anthony Ventura's is in, and if he is well enough to receive visitors?" Magnus asks the nurse at the visitor's station

She glances up at them, her gaze lingering appreciatively on Alec, raising her eyebrow slightly when she settles back on Magnus,

He supposes that's warranted; they're a rather odd looking group. He's wearing a somewhat brilliant blue patterned silk shirt, tight black jeans, and his usual assortment of jewelry, and very obvious, if rather subtle by his standards, makeup, add in serous looking Alec in his unflattering suit, and three teenagers, and, yeah....

He's actually surprised they didn't get more looks...

He supposes he can't really blame the woman for the slightly judgey look

Or obviously checking Alec out

Can't fault someone for having excellent taste...

It doesn't stop him from moving just a bit closer to Alec, slipping his arm casually around Alec's shoulders

"And you are...?" She asks, somewhat condescendingly

He gives a bright smile

"Oh, well, I'm a psychic, he's a detective, and these are some of Mr. Ventura's students, we're investigating the possibility that the accident that landed him in here was, in actuality, an attempt on his life"

The teens are trying not to laugh,

Alec just shakes his head, rubbing his temple

He doesn't pull away, though

Her eyebrows nearly reach her hairline; she glances at Alec

He just gives a bit of a hopeless shrug

She focuses back on Magnus

"Uh huh...I think you may be a bit confused, the psychiatric hospital is actually located a few blocks down..."

She turns, glancing between Alec and the teens

"Did they send him over for some tests or something?" she asks sympathetically

Max, Isaac and Casey burst out laughing

Alec tries to hide a chuckle at Magnus's affronted look, shaking his head slightly before giving her a pleasant smile, holding up his badge.

"Actually, ma'am, crazy as it sounds, he's telling the truth; I'm head detective Lightwood of the SBPD, this is Magnus Bane, he's a consultant for our department. A few of Mr.Ventura's students had some concerns; we wanted to ask him a couple questions regarding the accident."

She looks shocked, then blushes slightly,

"Oh...S-Sorry detective, of course, let me look it up, it'll be just a moment" she gave him a flirty smile then turns her attention to the computer

"Thank you" He said politely, before turning to Magnus with a vaguely considering look and just the slightest bit of a smirk

Uh oh...that's his playful, teasing, expression;

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