Chapter 6- Roll Call

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Magnus goes to the first class of the day; apparently he was so focused on the whole 'possible murderer thing he forgot about all the teenagers

a possible murderer might be preferable


Okay, so this chapter I will probably be throwing an absurd amount of names at you...

We have an entire class (We're not gonna go through the whole roster, but there have to be more in the class than just Max and his two friends)

Plus we're going to have some staff...

There's really only two OC's, but they are easy enough to pick out...

To save time, and entertain me, I have decided that all the filler characters will be random ones from two 'teen type shows/movies' High School Musical and Teen Wolf (because I know enough of the names I don't have to keep searching; No there are no werewolves or random musical numbers...I don't know how to write musical numbers, and I figure throwing these guys into a classroom with about 30 teens is enough like throwing them to the wolves already without it being literal...)





Magnus chuckled to himself leaving the front office, heading to his classroom for the week...

Poor principal Sullivan nearly fell out of his chair when Magnus had walked in

Apparently, he was not what the man expected for a substitute teacher for an AP science class.

He'd stuttered and stammered and looked like he might hyperventilate

It was actually a better reaction than he'd expected

Magnus was a bit apprehensive when he'd first seen the rather stuffy, conservative looking man, but he'd just been flustered and awkward, not hostile, so Magnus counted it as a win and he took it as a good sign as to how the day would progress.

It was rather uplifting actually

In Magnus's experience, people like that tended to have rather bad reactions to guys in makeup and jewelry...

He had tried to go fairly subdued with them, well, except the lipstick

-he'd actually been planning to go for a subtle, barely there gloss, but Alec was just so preciously flustered, and he couldn't pass up choosing something that would really leave a mark (literally and figuratively, the color tended to dry rather quick, and stain somewhat... if he didn't wipe it off rather quickly it would probably be there most of the day

...Magnus kind of hoped he didn't)

That had been a rather nice way to start the morning really...

He'd been annoyed by the knock so early, not really being awake enough to even hazard a guess as to who it would be, though, he should of probably realized Alec would still be nervous about the case.

Even though they had went over it countless times the evening before...

And Simon would actually be there for backup

He truly adored Alexander, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't getting a bit tiresome

He HAD been annoyed,

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