Chapter 9- Full Of Surprises

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Raphael helps Simon with his 'students flirting' problem...

kind of

Someone stumbles onto the investigation...they get the wrong idea

Magnus gets a visitor in his class




Oh, man he was SO late...

He couldn't believe he'd overslept on his second day of school!

He'd stumbled out of bed at ten till eight,

Threw on the first thing he found and just barely remembered to grab his glasses as he rushed out the door

He made it to the school just as the first bell rang,

Careening into the E building, running flat out to the classroom.

He SO did not want to get caught up in a tardy sweep...

That wasn't a weird thought,

Seriously he was twenty five freaking years old, how was this his life?

He could see a teacher beginning to make the rounds...

Just a bit further...

He tumbled through the door just as the morning announcements begin, opening the door with a bit too much force, causing it to bounce off the wall and startling the entire class all of them turning as one to see what the commotion was...

"Yes! Made it! Oh, Uh...H-hey, guys, ha, overslept..." he stammered, blushing slightly,

"Ah, Mr. Lewis...So very nice of you to join us today" Magnus said with a smirk, sounding kind of odd, raising his eyebrow

"Sorry... couldn't get out of bed today I guess..." a couple giggled, he heard a few whispering...

Ah, this was the high school experiences he was expecting

Awkwardness and jokes: totally his wheelhouse

He shrugs, giving a little half wave as he awkwardly made his way to his desk

He sits down, slumping slightly and fighting a blush

Pulling out his notebook and a few other things he busies himself with getting prepared for the day

He still hears a bit of whispering and giggles

Surely they've moved on by now?

...Man he still feels like everyone's eyes are on him

He glances around...

Okay, so it's not just his imagination

Magnus is going over the lesson plan, but Simon can see that he is trying to keep from laughing himself, and he keeps glancing over at Simon as well

He is going to develop a complex

He glances over at Max who is sitting next to him and clearly trying his best to hold in his laughter

"Dude, what's up? I wasn't even technically late, why is everyone still focused on me?"

Kasey bursts out laughing

V1S6- Back To School: Psych! It's Magnus Verseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن