Chapter 4: A Second Chance at A First Impression...

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Simon and Magnus getting ready for their first days of High School...




"Okay, so I didn't know what kind to get cause usually I'd go for ones that seemed more mature or whatever, but as that is, like, the exact opposite of what I need right now I just got an assortment, hopefully I got enough..." Simon says emptying a bag of at least twenty pairs of glasses out on his coffee table

Raphael laughs, shaking his head slightly


"Did you leave any at the store?" Raphael asks with another chuckle

"Hey! I didn't know okay, I never really paid attention to, like, styles or whatever of glasses, I didn't even know glasses just for the sake of fashion was, like, a thing that people did..."

"Why is there a yellow polka dot pair?"

He's really trying not to laugh

It's not working, at all, but he's trying...

Simon glares at him

"They had a whole rack at the dollar store, okay?! I had absolutely no clue what would work; I didn't know what was hip for high schooler's when I actually WAS in high school, I have no clue now! So I kinda panicked and grabbed a bunch in hopes of one them working"

He'd actually taken to wearing contacts since his promotion; the glasses tended to make him look younger than he really wanted to. Also, he was worried they'd fall off when he'd really need them and he didn't really think a fleeing suspect would give him a time out to find his glasses.

He'd ended up getting weekly contacts that he could sleep in; it was a lot more convenient

Plus, it was kinda nice being able to actually see first thing in the morning

Also, his glasses kind of got in the way when he was kissing Raphael, and that was absolutely unacceptable

Raphael did think they were cute though, so there was that...

Speaking of Raphael...

"Are you going to help me pick some glasses, or are you just going to laugh at me all night? I'm sure I'll get enough of that at school tomorrow...

Ugh...I have school tomorrow! High school! I don't want to go back to high school; I didn't like it the first time."

"Sorry, amor, you know I didn't mean anything by it. You are just adorable when you get all flustered, I couldn't help it" He says apologetically, leaning over and kissing Simon lightly.

"You will be fine"

"That's easy for you to say, once again, you do not have to get up for school tomorrow!" Simon pouted slightly

"Well...If it makes you feel any better, it's rather disturbing that my boyfriend has school tomorrow"

Simon snorts a bit, nodding faintly...yeah, okay, that was weird.

"Was High School really that bad for you, amor?"

Simon shakes his head

"No...not like really horrible; I got picked on kind of a lot, but nothing, like, really bad. I was just kind of geeky and awkward; I wasn't really very sure of myself and talked way too much; so, you know, basically exactly how I am now, I just wasn't as okay with it"

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