Chapter 5- It Feels like the First Day of School...Oh, Wait...

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Simon endures his first day of high school in nearly a decade

And runs into a familiar face


Okay so just a quick thing; this story will almost certainly have quite a few OC's...

If you hadn't noticed yet, I don't really end up with a whole lot of totally straight characters (unless they're, like a preexisting characters parent, or a kind of one dimensional suspect or something); that's not going to change. I'm not like, playing random identity bingo, or whatever, trying to put in as many as's just, there are SO many different ways people identify, and in most types of media, we see, like, three (and that's generous, usually it's one).

That's boring,

And really limiting

So, yeah, I'm not gonna be that restricted...

Just FYI...

Anyways, onto the actual story




Simons alarm began blaring just before seven, jarring him awake. He quickly sat up, vaguely disoriented, turning off the noise and trying to get his bearings.

Why did he have to get up so early today? Did he have an early shift?

Oh, right...he had school

High School

That wasn't a weird thought

He'd awakened cuddled up with Raphael, so really, a perfect way to start any day. They'd decided to stay at Simon's, this way he'd have his entire wardrobe to choose from.

"Mmm...morning..."Raphael murmured, giving him a bit of a sleepy smile that really makes Simon want to just blow off the entire plan and spend the entire day right here.

Magnus would probably understand, right?

He sits up, tugging Simon closer, and kissing him lightly

Simon sighs happily, leaning against him, still not completely awake himself, and totally content to stay exactly like this

"I don't want to go to school today" he mumbled sleepily, nuzzling closer

Raphael burst out laughing

"Hey!" Simon snapped, shoving him lightly

"S-sorry, amor, that's just weird to hear from someone I just woke up with...I almost thought you were half asleep and kind of out of it, then I realized that you actually DO have school today"

Simon tried to glare, but couldn't quite stop the smile tugging at his lips

He shook his head,

"Oh my god, I have to go to school today! I have to sit through classes and listen to gossip and deal with teachers and teenagers, who think I'm one of them...And I have to actually try to fit in and, like, become one of them..."

"It sounds like Jane Goodall and the chimps" Raphael said, snickering

"I think I might actually take chimps over an entire school of teenagers!" Simon groaned

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