Chapter 2: A Psychic, A Cute Dorky Detective, And a Scary Flirt

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Max and his friends meet Magnus,

Chapter Notes:

(FYI I did add a bit to the last chapter, it was bugging me that I didn't have descriptions of Max or his friends so I added a bit of some...Also, I'm gonna say right now, if any part of Max is actually in character, that is totally coincidental; honestly, I didn't read the books and the little I saw of him on the show he came off as rather annoying; I figure he's already going to be OOC since, he's a teenager and, you know,, may as well just run with it )




"No way..." Kasey says shaking his head slightly

"Well, yeah...I mean, I don't actually know how he does it, I don't like calling it 'psychic powers' or abilities or whatever, but it works."

"Really!? That's so cool!" Isaac exclaims

"Yeah, it is, Alec why didn't you tell me you knew a psychic? You were talking about him all day, how did THAT not come up?" Max asked in surprise

Alec shrugged slightly

"I don't know; I work with him, we don't really just hang out too often. Plus, it's not some parlor trick or stunt, it is an investigative technique; he uses it to solve crimes, help us catch's not just some game. I'm pretty sure he's solved more cases than anyone at our precinct; he just did it by calling in anonymous tips for years...

And I wasn't talking about him 'all day' I just mentioned him a few times" Alec said, somewhat defensively

"So, what does he do? Does he, like, talk to ghosts or something?" Kasey asked curiously, leaning forward somewhat

Alec shook his head

"No, nothing like tha...Well... okay, actually, the first case we worked he kind of talked to a cat and got a tip from least that's what he said, but I think he was just messing with me. While I really don't know how he got the information, I refuse to believe 'Miss CleoCatra' gave it to him." Alec said steadfastly

Max laughed "The cat was named 'Miss CleoCatra", really? Who would come up with such a crazy name?"

Alec smiled, rolling his eyes affectionately

"Magnus...though Simon helped ...His other cat's named 'Chairman Meow', that was all him. Raphael maintains he had nothing to do with either of the names, says he wasn't even home when the names were chosen" Alec laughed, shaking his head at all three of them...

"Umm, but, No, not anything like that. Magnus seems to pick up every last clue or detail on a case; things that the rest of us just don't get, much less put together. He can always find the truth. On the first case we worked? The one with the cat? He came up with the name of a suspect, it wasn't anywhere in the files...I really don't know how he does it, but it's very effective; I've yet to see him miss anything, it seems like having him on a case is a guaranteed closure. He, I mean, It's pretty amazing."

Max nods a bit, consideringly, "Yeah, sounds like it"

Isaac tilts his head

"Wait, who are they? Simon and Raphael? Is one of them dating Magnus? I-If you don't mind me asking?" he hastily added

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