Chapter 10- After School Activities

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Simon and the other's fill Billie in on the case

The gossip mill at the precinct may actually be worse than that at the school




"He's actually being threatened! I can't believe he didn't say anything!" Billie gasped

"He probably just didn't want to worry you...

Also, until Magnus and Alec actually questioned him about it he really did just thought it was a some kind of prank or something" Simon assured

"Man, this is just crazy...I know Uncle Tony's kinda strict, but the idea that someone actually wants to really hurt him? It just seems totally unreal" Billie said, slightly wide eyed

"Dude, it's SO weird you call him 'Uncle Tony'" Kasey said, shaking his head

"That's what you find weird here?" Billie exclaimed,

"Well, kinda...I mean, it's Mr. Ventura; he's like the most 'Teachery' teacher ever...I don't think it really occurred to me that he had, like, a life outside of school, much less a family"

Max laughed slightly, shaking his head at his friend

Isaac rolled his eyes somewhat affectionately at his boyfriend's dumbfounded look

"Kasey; he's a person, not a robot" Billy said exasperatedly, rolling her eyes

"Hey! Up until, like, these last few weeks we had no proof of that! That may have actually been my theory going into this!"

"He's...kidding, right?" Billie asks, glancing between Isaac and Max

Isaac just shrugs slightly

"Umm...I really want to say yes; but he does watch a lot of, I really don't know" Max says trying to fight a smile

"Though, he did think our 3rd grade teacher was an alien"

"I swear she didn't blink the entire year!"

"And he DID spend all of 5th grade convinced our gym teacher was a werewolf..."

"Dude, no one is that hairy!"

"Also, in 7th grade he thought the 2nd floor utility closet was wasn't. He investigated and tried to 'catch the ghosts' on camera...apparently it was where some people would hookup"

"That was, okay, yeah, that one was pretty bad" Kasey said, blushing kinda sheepishly

Isaac giggled, slipping his arm around Kasey

"Isn't he cute?" he beamed

"Nope" Max said resolutely shaking his head

"The important thing is you think so..." Divya said with a smirk


Billie and Simon just laughed

"Whatever; Isaac's way prettier than all of you anyways" Kasey muttered slipping his arm around Isaac

Isaac blushed faintly, rolling his eyes

Simon chuckled slightly,

"As entertaining as this is, and, Kasey? I really mean that; I thought a lot of the same things about some of my teachers in school ...we really need to focus on the case; we can't hang out here too long without attracting attention."

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