Good-bye ?

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Bill's pov~
I watched as the rest of the losers left one by one. Next I knew, it was just me Beverly. I  wish I could tell her how I feel but If I tell her, she might laugh at me because of my studder.
" Y-you all packed for Portland?"
"Yeah pretty much. I'm leaving tomorrow morning "
"How long will you be gone ?" I asked

"My aunt says I could stay for as long as I want " We sat there in silence for a few seconds.
"Just so you know, I never felt like a loser when I was with all of you " she said. I honesty  didn't  know what to say.
Beverly' s pov
" just so you know I never felt like a loser when I was with all of you " I said. Bill looked away for a few seconds. I decided it was best that  I left. " see you around " I said. Then I got up and walked started walking away.

Bill's pov
I sat there for a few seconds then I did something  I would never regret. I ran after Beverly.

Beverly's pov
As I was walking I heard footsteps. I turned around to see who it was. It ended up being Bill. I stare at him and then he kissed me. I can't  believed we kissed. I never wanted it to end even though it was quick. He pulled away and I lean in a kiss him. He seemed surprised  but he eventually kissed back.
When we finally pull away, I look at him
"Bye "
Then I walk away

Bill's pov
I kissed Beverly! I kissed Beverly! And she kissed me.
I thought  she would hate me for kissing her but surprisingly she kissed back. I  honestly  was surprised. I  never wanted it to end. Her lips we soft and I felt butterflies in my stomach.
We pull away and she looks at me
" bye"
Then she walks away
I watch as she leaves and than I smile
When I made sure she was gone, I literally jumped up in the air.
I  decided to head home, so I picked up my bike  Silver and I pedaled home.

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