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Beverly's pov~
It's  been five months since I seen the losers
Since I kissed Bill....
I  missed all of them so much
Words can't describe how much I miss them.
I sat in my bedroom rereading  the poem Ben made me. Than I heard a knock on my door
"Come in !"
" hey sweetie "
"Hey aunt Sarah "  I replied
( I just made up the name )

"Okay I got some good news. And I know you would love it "

I looked up at her " what is it ?"

" I know how much you miss your friends so I thought  about moving to Derry so you could be with them "

My face lit up
I jumped up  and down like a little kid
"Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you !"
*Sarah laughs *
"Your welcome sweetie"
* two weeks later *
We found a new house and finally packed everything up and headed to Derry
*They arrive to Derry*
"How about I put the stuff in the new house well you go see your friends "

"Are you sure ?"

"Yes "

When I got out of the car I ran over to the Denbrough's house. It sounds weird  that I know what street Bill lives on.

I finally walked up the stairs and was about to knock on the door when I heard a fimilar voice.
I walked down the stairs to moved out of the way as the door opened
"I'll s-see you l-later mom !"

Bill ?
My face lit up
I hid behind a bush to see him walk in his garage to get Silver

When he walked in I followed him

"Bill ?"

Bill's pov~
It's  been five months since I last kissed Beverly
She's  been on my mind everyday so, sometimes I go for a ride to forget about it but the problem is that I can't

Anyways I headed out the front door
" I'll s-see you l-later mom !"
I walked down the stairs and went into the garage to get Silver

As I was walking over to silver  I heard a fimilar voice
It was soft and sweet
I turned around and I saw Beverly
My jaw dropped
For a second I thought  I was dreaming
Words couldn't  come out of my mouth and if I tried, i would be a studdering mess.
"H-how...w-what...I.." I couldn't  get the right words out

Beverly  giggled and walked over to me
"I missed you Bill  "

"I-I-I m-missed you t-too"

"Your studder is so cute "

I blushed

She came closer and closer until our faces were almost touching

She leaned in and kissed me

I kissed her back and put one of my arms around her waist

I felt her put her arm around my neck to pull me in closer

I missed her soft lips and...well everything about her

We continue to kiss until  we heard a voice
"On my god ! "

We pulled apart

"Hey R-richie "

"Well well well, I come over here and see the two of you sucking faces. That actually  explains why your late Billy boy "

Bev and I blush

Richie was about to rid away but before he could, he of course had one more thing to say

"Welcome back Molly "

Beverly  gives him a stare and flips him off

Richie chuckles and rids off to the quarry

I look at bev

"W-want to c-come  along ?"

"Of course! I got to see my losers "

I chuckle and get on silver

"Um..bill ?"

"Yeah ?"

"I...i don't  have my bike "

"That's can r-ride with me"

I saw how her face lit up

"Okay !"

She got behind me and she wrapped her arms around my waist which made me blush

I took off pedaling and headed to met the others losers near the quarry.

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