Jealousy ?

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(Sorry I haven't updated. I'm in Las Vegas rn )

Beverly's pov ~

There's  a girl at Bill's

There's a girl at Bill's

There's  a girl at Bill's

I wanted to know who the hell this girl is and I want to know why she's with my boyfriend

Is Bill  cheating on me ?

No...he wouldn't


Would he ?

My mind is Spinning right now

So I decided to walk over to them

Oh what am I thinking

"Hey Bill  " I said waving to him

"Hey b-babe " he replied  putting his arm around  me

She literally gave me a death glare.
She probably thought Bill was taken but he's mine and only mine. 

To make her know that he's  mine

I  pulled the collar of his shirt
And kissed him

He was shocked at first but he started to get into the kiss
She got angry and stormed off

I broke the kiss

Bill notice that the girl was gone

"Emma where are you going  ?!"

She didn't anwser

"Hold on bev let me go see what's wrong with her "

Bill ran after her

I felt myself heat up

Why did he have to go after her ?

Is he tired of me ?

I  felt unwanted so I got my bike and just rode around town

I  felt tears going down my cheeks. All I could think about was that girl. Why did Bill like her more ? Just the thought made my eyes get blurry from all my tears. I  wiped some of my tears away.

I rode around town awhile until I heard someone call my name

"B-bev ?!!"

Oh no
Did he follow me ?
Is looking for me ?

I  honestly just wanted to be alone so I tried hiding

I  was so stupid. I didn't watch were I was going. I ran right into Henry.

"Wow the slut' s back for more "

" No Henry please "

Before he could touch me...bill came

Bill takes him down

"I t-told you to leave h-her alone "

Henry took off

Bill comes over to me

"Are you o-okay ?"

I  didn't  reply

I didn't  even want to talk to him right now

"Bev ?"

I know he notices my tears

He tries to put his arm around me but I pull away

"What's  w-wrong ?"

" Are you cheating on me ?" I asked. That's all I had to say.

"No ! "

"Are you sure ?" I asked

"B-bev why in the H-hell would I c-cheat on you ?"

I  shrugged

"Maybe because  I'm  a slut and every girl is way better than me  " I
I  know I'm  not a slut but I can't help but let those stupid rumors get to me

I  knew he probably heard me though

"B-bev yournot a k-know that those r-ruh-rumors aren't true. And you b-better than any of the
g-girls at out s-school. That's w-why I only ever  l-loved you. "
He put his arm around me
I  didn't know how to reply to that

"Come on l-lets go to my h-house "

I  nodded 

So we headed to his house

He had me lay down while he took a quick shower and  after he was done I went to go take a shower. Since I didn't have anything to sleep in, he gave me some of his pjs.

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