The Date

668 11 19


Beverly's pov ~

I had no Idea where Bill was taking me on our date. To be honest I don't think I looked to go to be on a date right now.
When I tried to ask him where we were going he didn't say. I don't care where it is, as long as I'm  with him...I'm happy.
~Time skip ~
So we're at the movies. It's  been a while since I been here.
"So what do you wanna see ?"  I asked

"H-how about a h-horror film  ?"

"Classic Denbrough " I replied

He paid for our tickets  and we headed inside. We got some food and drinks and went inside room 4 to see our movie.

~Time skip ~
( to the middle of the movie )

I jumped a little. That jump scare got me good. Suddenly I  felt a arm go around my shoulder. I  look over to see Bill  looking at me.
Good thing it was dark, so he can't see my blush.
We both leaned in and  kissed. It wasn't any other kiss. This kiss felt like it was the one where we had to say goodbye and that other time in the closet.
I  felt his touge enter my mouth. I felt those damn butterflies again.

I'm  so glad no one was around us. Imagine if people saw us. They would probably think I'm  a bigger slut now.

I  felt Bill  kissing my neck. I moaned a bit...crap

"Wait....wait "

"Y-yeah ?"

"I don't think we should do this especially not in here "

"O-okay... I u-understand "

I  pecked him on the lips

"I-it I ever g-get out of h-hand or m-make you u-uncomfortable than you c-can tell me "

"You would never make me uncomfortable. Besides I'm not complaining about you getting out of control " I replied 

I couldn't help but giggled at how wide his eyes got from my comment

~time skip ~

After the movie Bill  took me to go get some  ice cream with him

"W-wait here and I-I'll go g-get it "

I  nodded  and  laid my back against the wall in a ally

I don't  know what could ruin my day and that's  when I spoke to soon

Everything was fine until

"Well, well, well if it isn't  the slut "

Oh great Henry

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