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Bill's pov ~
I quickly got up and put my clothes on as I was about to get up I felt a hand grab onto my wrist
I turn to see Bev

"Where are you going ?" She asks

"To c-check on georgie "

She nods and  puts her clothes on

"I'm going with you " she says

We both get up

I unlock my door to see georgie standing right infront of us

"What were you too doing ?" He asks

Me and bev look at each other

Um....I ain't telling him. The poor kid will be shocked. Plus he'll never look at me and Bevthe same way again.

"N-nothing Georgie "

He nods "can you read me a story "

I nodded *yawns* "yeah sure"

Bev looks at me "Bill you look tired. How about I read to Georgie and you go lay down "

I raised an eyebrow" b-but "

"No buts now go lay down " she said and pointed to my bedroom door

I didn't want to get on her bad side so I did as I was told

I walked off and went to bed

End of Bill's pov ~

Bev's Pov ~

I  tucked georgie into bed and started reading to him. Poor little guy looked tired. He tried to keep his eyes open.

After a while he feel asleep. I placed the book down and sat up. Before I relaxed  I kissed his forehead.

Georgie: *giggles*
"good night Beverly"

I smiled

He's too precious

"Good night Georgie"
I walked out of his room and closed the door. I walked over to bills room. I opened his door and I saw my adorable boyfriend fast asleep. I smiled to myself.
I walled over to his bed and curled up next to him.
how did I get so lucky? I don't deserve someone like him.
I started to play with his hair but after awhile I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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