sleepover part 8

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(Okay this would be the last part I do for the sleepover  but I will continue the story )
Bill's pov ~
Me and Beverly put our pants and shirts back on. We headed to the kitchen where everyone else was eating.
"Look who came to join us " Stan said well smirking at us

Beverly  rolled her eyes
" Yeah yeah, we came "

"About time too. I did not want you two making out in my living room. "

Oh Richie would say something like that...if only he knew what went on in the closet
I  started to smirk

"What are you smirking at Billy ?" Beverly asked

"Oh..uh n-n-nothing !"

Richie looked up at me with a grin on his face. What is this boy gonna say this time ? I feel nervous now.

"I  bet he's  imagining  what Beverly  looks like without her clothes on "

And there it is....
I blushed a deep red

"B-beep beep R-richie "

"So your not denying it  ?" Richie asked grinning

"D-denying  i-it  ! D-definitely
d-denying i-it !"

"Wow I never heard studder that much Bill " mike said looking  at me grinning

I looked away to try to hide my blush. I knew Beverly was probably grinning at me.
Than I felt a hand on my shoulder

"It's okay Billy " Beverly said

I looked at her and  slowly started to lean in

End of Bill's pov ~

Beverly's pov ~
I  knew Bill  was probably embarrassed so I told him it was okay. Then he slowly started to lean in. I already knew where this was going so I did the same thing. I felt our lips connect. My stomach  started feeling funny...those damn butterflies.
"Oh come on !"
Me and Bill  broke apart to see Richie complaining

"First the closet, then my living room, and now the kitchen. I wonder what room is next. "

We both rolled our eyes and  went to eat with the others

*time skip *

We all finished breakfast  and  we going to leave Richie's house

I  hoped on silver with Bill and we headed back to my aunt's house

When we arrived i got off silver but than I realized something

"Bill ?"

"Yeah ?"

I pointed to my neck

"How an I gonna explain this ?"

"Oh..uh I could for you...."

I  smiled at him

"thanks "

We walked into my aunt's house

"Hey your back !"

I waved

"So how w-....."

Oh no

"I-i c-could explain..i-"
Before Bill could finish my aunt cut him off

"Did you use protection?"

"We didn't go that far..." I said

"I k-kinda got c-carried away..."

"That's  fine but if you do go that far than use protection "

"We will " I replied

I felt relief that she didn't flip that much

Bill put his hand on my shoulder. I felt calm and safe around him.

My aunt had to go to the store so I  stood home to unpack the rest of my things. Bill stood around to help. I personally an glad he's here.

End of Beverly's pov ~

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