Chapter 4

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Hailey walked closer to James and her eyes widen. Then she started raging.

Hailey: Im gonna kill someone too James!!!!! That bitch better be running I swear.
Me What are you guys talking about!?

I walk closer to them as James hands me the photos. I looked through them and as I got to the last 3 photos, My heart crushed. I felt like I was going to cry, but at the same time, I wanted to confront them both. It was a photos of Grayson and Emily, the one person I can't stand, even Gray knows that. The first 2 photos, I didn't really care about, it was the very last photo, the photo were Emily cupped Gray's face with her hands as they kissed.

Me: What the fuck! Is he actually kidding me right now!
Hailey: Jas...are you okay.

I started to tear up.

Me: Can I...I...I just need some space and time alone right now.
James: Aw Of course baby, me and Hailey will be here, right here, waiting for your signal to kill the bitch....right here.
Me: Dont do anything stupid please.

They stand there looking at each other. As for me, I stormed out, Grayson looked pretty into kissing Emily, and the fact that he knows how much I hate her made me so upset. I slowly started walking to the beach not far from my school, The beach is like my happy place, I like to go there to think and clear my head, which is what I needed after seeing those photos.

Me: "Don't do anything stupid!" Bitch is she stupid or what! Im fucking James, Of course Im going to do something stupid. Here's what Im going to do, Im going to walk up to Grayson, slap him and then walk over to Emily and thats where you come in and slap her cause Im still classified as a boy.
Hailey: Im so down for your plan right now james, but Jas is upset and the least we could do is not do anything stupid, as she said.
Me: You're so not fun.
Hailey: Im being serious James.
Me: Fine, Fine.

Hailey suggested we just clear our minds by partying the rest of the night off. 5 minutes after partying, Grayson came up to us asking where Jazzy was, and my fat ass was not gonna tell him shit, So I let Hailey do the talking.


Grayson: Have you seen Jas?
Hailey: Yeah, she went home.
Grayson: she went home? Why, was she feeling sick? What happend?
Hailey: How about you do us all a favour and not worry about her anymore? Just party on and enjoy tonight while you still can.
Grayson: What? 
James: You heard her Grayson! Run along!

UGH! Just looking at him made me sick. I've known Jas since 2nd Grade, going home after a situation like that is the last place she would go, She would either be still walking or all ready at the beach, its her happy place.

"Not worry about her anymore" "Just party on" "run along" These could all lead to one thing, either Jas knows about me and Emily or something else just happened and she needed some time alone and I'm really hoping its something else, I know I did her wrong, But I still love her, and I dont want to lose her. I rushed out and hopped in the car and started to look for her. I check home first but she wasn't there, I then checked the roads and still no sign of her, I then realised, her happy place was at the beach, GOSH! How could I be her boyfriend if I dont even know her happy place!

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